Hello, this is a project I made just for fun, which allows you to view images and from now on videos too in the terminal. Written in TypeScript with Deno
- I recommend using Windows-Terminal
- In Windows-Terminal, in order to get the automatic zoom (for better resolution) working, you'll need to create a specific keybind.
deno run -A img.ts <path to image>
-> deno run -A img.ts C:\Users\DNA\Downloads\Test.png
-> deno run -A img.ts test.png
deno run -A video.ts <path to video>
-> deno run -A video.ts C:\Users\DNA\Downloads\Test.mp4
-> deno run -A video.ts test.mp4
- To exit, press any key
- For
, you can pressF1
in to open info menu
- Nicer way of changing FPS-limit
- Sync framerate with video
- Add audio