The Dallas Cowboys Calculator is just that .... a calculator! But unlike the traditional calculator when the results from an equation equals a number of a Dallas Cowboy player, a Modal with their picture and stats will pop up.
This is an example of the image that will render in the Modal.
The API I am using is here. I created it using Express, MongoDB and deployed it onto Heroku. Here's a snippet:
_id: "604ac20fb4f40e9ebaff5b88",
name: "Dak Prescott",
image: "",
position: "Quarterback",
jerseyNumber: 4,
__v: 0,
createdAt: "2021-03-12T01:21:19.372Z",
updatedAt: "2021-03-12T01:21:19.372Z"
Calculate() is where all of the magic happens. I created a variable named test
. Test filters through the players
in the API and grabs each of their numbers and compares it to the result of the equation. Then in an if statement, if the length of test = 1, then the result turns into a Modal. And in that Modal the testee's image will be displayed.
calculate = () => {
let checkResult = ''
let test = this.state.players.filter(i => i.jerseyNumber ===
if (this.state.result.includes('--')) {
checkResult = this.state.result.replace('--', '+')}
else if (test.length === 1) {
checkResult = this.showModal()
let imageURL = test[0].image
image: imageURL})}