This is very basic/simple java-maven project for cicd environment and the purpose of the project is to showcase how to ship application from development to kubernetes environment using CICD.
mvn clean install
docker build -t hello-world .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name hello-world hello-world
Access the application on
- First create namesapce by applying yaml file
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/namespace.yaml
- Then apply rest of the files from kubernetes folder using
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/
- Now check if everything is up and running on our namespace using
kubectl get all -n cicd-java-maven
- And make sure our application pod is up and running
kubectl get pods -n cicd-java-maven
I assume you have either docker dekstop
or kind cluster
or minikube
We need to deploy the ingress-controller for that by applying the yaml file from this official documentation
kubectl apply -f
Check everything is up and running on
kubectl get all -n ingress-nginx
if everything is up and running then we are good to go. -
Now edit your hosts file from this location on Windows
and on Mac/Linuxsudo vim /etc/hosts
and add the entry in it127.0.0.1
Access the application on browser
now you should see our awesome project text.
If you like and want to extend our awesome application then please feel free to contribute :)