URI: /waveforms/{id}
Http Verb: GET
Body: (empty))
200 OK principal authorized and record retrieved
403 UNAUTHORIZED principal unauthenticated or unauthorized
404 NOT FOUND principal authenticated and authorized but not owner of record
404 NOT FOUND principal authenticated and authorized but record not found
"id" : 67,
"recDate" : "15-07-2019",
"location" : "windermere"
URI: /waveforms?page=0&size=10&sort=recDate,desc
Http Verb: GET
Body: (empty))
200 OK user authorized and record retrieved
403 UNAUTHORIZED unauthenticated or unauthorized user
{ "id" : 20, "recDate" : "2021-06-12", "location" : "biscay" },
{ "id" : 17, "recDate" : "2017-03-5", "location" : "windermere" },
{ "id" : 18, "recDate" : "2015-01-28", "location" : "monfragüe" },
{ "id" : 19, "recDate" : "2010-07-11", "location" : "comacchio" }
URI: /waveforms?page=1
Http Verb: POST
"recDate" : "15-07-2017",
"location" : "windermere"
201 CREATED new record created
Header: Location/waveforms/67
"recDate" : "15-07-2017",
"location" : "windermere"
URI: /waveforms/{id}
Http Verb: PUT
"recDate" : "15-07-2017",
"location" : "windermere"
204 NO CONTENT recrod updated
403 UNAUTHORIZED principal unauthenticated or unauthorized
404 NOT FOUND principal authenticated and authorized but record not found
Body: (empty)
URI: /waveforms/{id}
Http Verb: DELETE
Body: (empty)
204 NO CONTENT princiapl authorized and record record exists and successfully deleted
404 NOT FOUND princiapl authorized but record does not exist (non-existant ID sent)
404 NOT FOUND record exists but principal not owner
Body: (empty)