ESC Score Predictor
Creation of a machine-learning model for predicting scores in the Eurovision Song Contest.
Unfortunately, no useful model was successfully developed. However, the idea and techniques conducted through the project are extensively reported in the Elaborate.pdf
An example of the model construction is displayed in Modeling.ipynb
, but, without the dataset, it cannot be reproduced.
Ideally, the following values would be used when calling libROSA's functions for music preprocessing:
import numpy as np
params = {
'sr': 24576,
'hop_length': 960,
'chroma_cqt_hop_length': 3840,
'tempogram_hop_length': 960,
'n_fft': 3840,
'n_mels': 128,
'n_mfcc': 16,
'fmin': 0.0,
'fmax': 11839.82152677230076587824670536366572,
'chroma_cqt_fmin': 32.70319566257482933473124919041309,
'frame_length': 1920,
'kernel_size': 59,
'win_length': 384,
'width': 15,
'dtype': np.float64,
'stft_dtype': np.complex128
However, musicnn's and libROSA's defaults were used in the end.