Allows you to watch and download langs files for Dofus Retro.
Is available through a CLI and Class usable in your own code
(Thanks @drag0une for his work)
You can install the retro-langs package with npm
npm i --save retro-langs
If you want to use the cli everywhere you can add the -g option
You can follow the instruction of the help command of the cli
retro-langs --help
retro-langs [command] --help
Watch versions.txt file on DofusRetro CDN
Kind: global class
Emits: update
Creates an instance of Langs.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
lang | string |
Language to watch (if invalid 'fr' is used) | |
[saveFolder] | string |
"langs" |
Folder used to save versions.json and swf langs files |
build | string |
"prod" |
lang build type : prod (default), temporis or beta |
Watch remote versions.txt file
Kind: instance method of Langs
Param | Type | Default | Description |
interval | number |
interval in seconds | |
[downloadNewFiles] | boolean |
false |
download new swf files on changes |
Remove the watcher of the remote versions.txt file
Kind: instance method of Langs
Langs update event
Kind: event emitted by Langs
Name | Type | Description |
lang | string |
Language |
files | Array.<string> |
Array of new files names (without extension) |
build | string |
lang build type |
Lang downloaded event
Kind: event emitted by Langs
Name | Type | Description |
lang | string |
Language |
file | string |
File name (without extension) |
path | string |
Full path of the downloaded file |
build | string |
lang build type |
Start watching langs event
Kind: event emitted by Langs
Name | Type | Description |
lang | string |
Language |
interval | number |
interval in seconds |
saveFolder | string |
Full path of the downloading directory |
downloadNewFiles | boolean |
download new swf files |
build | string |
lang build type |
Error event
Kind: event emitted by Langs
Name | Type | Description |
error | error |
Error message |
const Langs = require('retro-langs');
* Watched language is fr
* Working directory is ./output/dir/
* Lang build type is temporis (can also be 'beta' or 'prod' by default)
const langWatcher = new Langs('fr', 'output/dir', 'temporis');
langWatcher.on('update', ({ lang, files, build }) => {
// an update of langs is available
langWatcher.on('downloaded', ({ lang, file, path, build }) => {
// a lang file has been downloaded
* Watch every 60s
* Will be downloading every new files on changes
*/, true);