- Clone this repo
- Install web3 py
pip install web3
- Set RPC and address
Network Type | RPC URL | Contract Address |
Testnet | https://rpc.ankr.com/polygon_mumbai |
0x9d304623C5fB154628bd4672c28114ED97bee77E |
Mainnet | https://polygon-rpc.com |
0xB6b309Ae66A12d69259566220A2D0e35fE4bC556 |
python3 main.py
get result something like this:
Network Name | Network ID | Contract Name | Address |
Polygon | 137 | daowallet | 0x6261E1AAc369CD694093455f9e2B65b31AcEdDa1 |
Polygon | 137 | pairtoken | 0x081Ec4c0e30159C8259BAD8F4887f83010a681DC |
Polygon | 137 | proofofstorage | 0x4d37D386462D16e25079E5c6d24f5176E64C4118 |
Polygon | 137 | userstorage | 0xC719dA7cec15A8dEF5488528498315F5A0b8d48d |
Polygon | 137 | gastoken | 0x1a9b54A3075119f1546C52cA0940551A6ce5d2D0 |
Polygon | 137 | nodenft | 0xCb19BedE3e4F64B6B0085D99127F6d0A25b7180D |
Polygon | 137 | charity_pos | 0x013e9F8cf67D3cf74789096A393fcAD2A154084F |
Polygon | 137 | gastoken_mined | 0xF98590aaeAcaC2Abfe29126b5BE8793714dc7553 |
open main.py and edit it by yourserlf
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('https://polygon-rpc.com')) # RPC URL
contract_storage_address = "0xB6b309Ae66A12d69259566220A2D0e35fE4bC556" # Contract Storage Address