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SeqAn - The Library for Sequence Analysis (now with HTS!)

This is a fork of SeqAn 2.1 that uses htslib to read and write VCF/BCF and SAM/BAM/CRAM files. List of new added features:
  • VCF/BCF file support.
    • Reading implemented.
    • Writing not implemented.
    • Indexes (Tabix)
      • Reading implemented.
      • Building not implemented.
    • Parsing to SeqAn's VCF record is implemented.
  • HTS (SAM/BAM/CRAM) support.
    • Reading implemented.
    • Writing implemented.
    • Indexes (.bai, .csi, .crai)
      • Reading implemented.
      • Building implemented.
    • Parsing to SeqAn alignment records.

If you need a feature which is not implemented you can ask me (Hannes Pétur, to add it, or use the htslib API directly.

Compilation differences between SeqAn and SeqAnHTS

Use the required SeqAn compilation flags and also include htslib by setting -I<path_to_htslib/include> and link to the htslib library.

API differences between SeqAn and SeqAnHTS

The 'BamIndex' object

BamIndex and BamFileIn (or BamFileOut) have been merged into one class called BamFileIn (or BamFileOut). A pointer to the index is simply an instance variable of BamFile. If no index has been loaded or created it is a null pointer. For example, this:

BamFileIn bamFileIn;
open(bamFileIn, ...);
CharString baiPathIn = "my/path/to/index";
BamIndex<Bai> baiIndex;
if (!open(baiIndex, toCString(baiPathIn)))
  std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not read BAI index file " << baiPathIn << "\n";
  return 1;

can be changed to this

BamFileIn bamFileIn;
open(bamFileIn, ...);
CharString baiPathIn = "my/path/to/index";
if (!loadIndex(bamFileIn, toCString(baiPathIn)))
  std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not read BAI index file " << baiPathIn << "\n";
  return 1;

The 'context' function

The 'context' function is not defined or any other function that uses it for two reasons: One, there is nothing in htslib which is a sensible replacement object to it, and two, this is probably something the user doesn't need to worry about. A typical example is if the user wants to read a specified region of an alignment file. In that case the user must first use the context to figure out which rID the was specified for the region in the header.

CharString chr = "chr19";
int start = 3000;
int end = 4000;
int rID = 0;
if (!getIdByName(rID, contigNamesCache(context(bamFileIn)), chr))
  std::cerr << "ERROR: Reference sequence named " << chr << " not known.\n";
  return 1;
bool hasAlignments = false;
if (!jumpToRegion(bamFileIn, hasAlignments, rID, start, end, baiIndex))
  std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not jump to " << start << ":" << end << "\n";
  return 1;

This can be changed to

CharString chr = "chr19";
int start = 3000;
int end = 4000;
if (!setRegion(bamFileIn, toCString(chr), start, end))
  std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not jump to " << chr << ":" << start << "-" << end << "\n";
  return 1;


BCF/Tabix example

seqan::Tabix index;
seqan::open(index, "/path/to/my/file/example.vcf.gz");
seqan::setRegion(index, "chrX:A-B"); // "chrX" and "chrX:A" also supported
seqan::VcfRecord record;

while (seqan::readRegion(record, index))
  // Do stuff with record

HTS file read and write example (SAM/BAM/CRAM format is automatically detected)

seqan::HtsFile read_file("/path/to/some/existing/file.cram", "r");
seqan::HtsFile write_file("/path/to/a/new/file.cram", "wb"); // binary mode required for BAM and CRAM

seqan::copyHeader(write_file, read_file);

while (seqan::readRecord(read_file))
  seqan::copyRecord(write_file, read_file);
  // Here you could change the write_file.hts_record if you want.
// Here we have copied all records of read_file and written them to write_file

HTS file index example

seqan::HtsFile hts_file("/path/to/some/existing/file.cram", "r");

if (!seqan::loadIndex(hts_file))
  // Build it if we cannot find it

seqan::setRegion(hts_file, "chrX:A-B");
seqan::HtsSequenceRecord record; // Only parses qName and sequence, use seqan::BamAlignmentRecord to parse all

while (readRegion(record, hts_file))
  // Do stuff with each record that overlaps the chrX:A-B region.


A SeqAn 2.1 fork that can use htslib







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