A program that generates randomize password.
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Password Generator is a program that generates random password based on the amount of length passed by the user and also sends the generated password to there mail if the want it there. It produces complex/strong passwords with combinations of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters such as braces, asterisks, slashes, etc.
Helps users create stronger password that provide greater security for a given type of access.
Help those who have to constantly come up with new passwords to ensure authorized access for programs and to manage a large number of passwords for identity and access management.
Helps users organize there password based on sending each generated password to there mail if the want it there to access with easy.
- Python3.10.6
You can find all the packages and their version used in the requirements.txt file
You can download the source code to run the script from the command line on Windows, macOS and Linux. This will require Python.
Install Python
From Python official website: Python
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Deerah1234/Paasword-Generator.git
Change Directory (cd) into the repository
Windows, MacOs, Linux
cd project_directory
Create a Virtual Environment and Activate it
- Create venv
python -m venv my_venv
- Activate my_venv
Note: On Windows, if you encounter an error while running the above command, you can temporarily fix it by running
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process
MacOs, Linux
- Create venv
python3 -m venv my_env
- Activate venv
source my_venv/bin/activate
Download all the packages from the requirements.txt file
Windows, MacOs, Linux
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Make sure you have python installed
Run the following command in the project folder
Windows, MacOs, Linux
python project.py
py project.py
Follow the prompts and see how the program work
Make sure you are on the repository directory/ project directory
pytest -s test.py
Note: Make sure you have activated the project_env
Follow the prompt to test
- Fork the repo
- Add your changes
- Commit your changes
- Push your changes to the repo
- Open an issue or pull request
- Submit a pull request to the master branch or the appropriate branch
- I will be happy to review your pull request
Give a ⭐ if you like this project!.
Github: @Deerah1234
LinkedIn: @EmmanuelJames
Thanks to the whole Harvard University, CS50 team and David Malian for making this possible, I learnt alot from CS50P.
This project is MIT licensed.