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How do I run this thing?

ComputerGenie edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 1 revision

If you've run any Zcash or Komodo full wallet in the past then running this wallet after extraction is ultra-simple. If not, there is only 2-3 small extra steps.

a) If you've run any Zcash or Komodo full wallet before:
Windows users:

Just click and go.

Mac/Linux users:

For the first run, open terminal, type chmod +x , drag the app into terminal, hit Return/Enter.
For the all future runs, open terminal, drag the app into terminal, hit Return/Enter.

b) If you've never run any Zcash or Komodo full wallet before:

The params files are ~2GB in total size, so they may take a while to download.

Windows users:

Download wget64.exe
Download fetch-params.bat to the same folder
open cmd, drag the fetch-params.bat into cmd, hit Return/Enter
do as a) above.

Mac/Linux users:

open terminal, drag the into terminal, hit Return/Enter
do as a) above