Welcome to the TMDB Movie App! This app showcases movies from the TMDB API while leveraging the power of modern Android development with Jetpack Compose and other cutting-edge libraries. 🚀
Home Screen | Genres List | Now Playing Movies |
Movie Details | Search Movies | Wishlist |
- ⚛️ Jetpack Compose – Modern UI Toolkit
- 🎬 TMDB API – Fetch the latest movies, genres, and more!
- 🔗 Retrofit – For seamless network calls
- 🏛️ MVVM Architecture – Clean, maintainable code structure
- 🛡️ Dagger-Hilt – Efficient dependency injection
- 📜 Paging 3 – Effortless pagination for movie listings
- 💾 Room Database – Save and manage your Wishlist
- 🧭 Navigation Compose – Smooth navigation experience
- Home Screen: The app starts with an automatic sliding banner featuring the latest movies. Below that, it shows a genres listing, followed by multiple movie sections like "Now Playing", "Popular Movies", "Discover", and "Upcoming Movies".
- Genres Listing: Each genre features a scrollable list of movies displayed using LazyColumn and Paging 3 for seamless pagination.
- Movie Details: Click on a movie to see details like its name, description, language, rating, and more. You’ll also see related movies in the same genre.
- Search: Use the search option to find any movie directly from the server.
- Wishlist: Add your favorite movies to the wishlist using Room Database and swipe to remove them easily.
- Jetpack Compose: Modern UI toolkit for building native Android UIs.
- TMDB API: Provides access to movies, TV shows, and cast information.
- Retrofit: Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- MVVM Architecture: Separates UI, business logic, and data management for easy maintainability.
- Dagger-Hilt: Reduces the boilerplate of manual dependency injection.
- Paging 3: Handles large data sets by loading content in chunks.
- Room Database: Local persistence for saving favorite movies.
- Navigation Compose: Handles app navigation in a declarative way.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Dinesh2510/TMDB-Movie-App-Jetpack-Compose.git
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Add your TMDB API Key in the
- Build and run the app on an Android emulator or device.
Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues to improve the app. Contributions are always welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Thanks for checking out the TMDB Movie App! Don't forget to ⭐ the repository if you find it helpful. 😊
Made with ❤️ by Dinesh Chavan