A mono repo containing core libraries for Divine Star projects.
- @divinestar/audio
- Audio library tailored for games.
- @divinestar/binary
- Library for converting JS objects to and from binary.
- Also handles creating efficient binary structs.
- @divinestar/controls
- Library for setting up controls for a video game or other project.
- @divinestar/indexdb
- Library for working with indexDB.
- Also integrated with @divinestar/threads for complex multithreading use cases.
- @divinestar/rng
- Library for seeded random number generation, noise, and weighted randomness.
- @divinestar/threads
- Library for multi threaded communication and thread pools.
- @divinestar/uncsi
- UNCSI (Universal Node Component System Interface).
- Used to build other NCS/ECS systems.
- @divinestar/uri
- URI (Universal Renderer Interface)
- Used for abstracting away different rendering libraries.
- @divinestar/utils
- Utility classes and functions used by most other libraries.