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[Project Introduction]

Open-OAuth2Playground is an open-source version of OAuth2.0 Playground, modeled after Google's OAuth 2.0 Playground.

This project supports out-of-the-box local use, making it suitable for learners to test and learn the OAuth2.0 protocol.

When deployed on the server side, it is also ideal for synchronizing with OAuth2 interface documentation, facilitating rapid development and debugging for third-party callers.

Note: This project relies on the oauth-server-lite service (or prepare your own / configure the authorization service backend and modify cfg.json), and you need to start oauth-server-lite before use. If you wish to use this project for testing and learning, it is recommended to use Method Four: Docker Operation to quickly set up a complete set of front-end and back-end services for OAuth2 authorization and testing.


[Table of Contents]

Installation and Operation

This project provides four methods: Docker one-click deployment, manual source code compilation and operation, binary file one-click operation, and binary file hosted operation with systemctl.

Docker operation method #TODO

Both source code compilation and binary file operation depend on the Open-OAuth2Playground binary file and cfg configuration file. The default reads the cfg.json file in the same directory as the binary file as the configuration file, and supports specifying a specific cfg configuration file at runtime through the -c /path/to/cfg parameter (you need to modify the service file yourself when running with systemctl).

Method One: Docker One-click Deployment and Operation

(Built-in oauth-server-lite service for testing)

The project provides a docker-compose.yaml file, which can be started with one click. docker-compose.yaml provides a container-based startup solution. This solution allows for a shared redis and oauth-server-lite container network, for testing purposes only.

Docker container mode oauth2playground structure chart

docker-compose up -d


  • When starting in this way, services within the container cannot directly access other services via localhost. Instead, use the service name (e.g., redis:6379) to connect to Redis. For additional configurations, see the related files.
  • Regular users do not need to configure any environment variables or mount volumes. Simply start the container. For custom configurations, carefully read these notes.
  • The cas.db file includes default user information:
    • username: cas (modifiable via ${CAS_USERNAME})
    • password: 123456 (modifiable via ${CAS_PASSWORD})
  • The sqlite.db file includes default OAuth client information:
    • client_id: oauth (modifiable via ${OAUTH_CLIENT_ID})
    • client_secret: 123456 (modifiable via ${OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET})
    • domains: open-oauth2playground (modifiable via ${PLAYGROUND_HOST})
    • grant_types: password, authorization_code, urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code, client_credentials
  • You can add new services in the Open-OAuth2Playground/apereo-cas/etc/services directory.
  • The auto-initialization script is enabled by default. In this case, mounting the cfg.json file externally is not allowed. To enable external file mounting, control it via the CFG_INIT_ENABLE variable.


  • Public Deployment of oauth-server-lite Fails to Start
    • Symptom: The container cannot access container services via the public network.
    • Cause: Docker's proxy can interfere with container routing. If the container communicates through an internal network, the proxy server may not access the host's public IP.
    • Solution:
      # Clear Proxy Settings
      ## Check kernel configuration in /etc/docker/daemon.json
      cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
      ## Check user configuration in ~/.docker/config.json
      cat ~/.docker/config.json
      ## Check system-wide proxy settings
      ## cat /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
      systemctl show --property=Environment docker
      ## If the following entries are found, manually remove the variables from /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
      ## >> [Service]
      ## >> Environment="HTTP_PROXY="
      ## >> Environment="HTTPS_PROXY="
      ## >> Environment="NO_PROXY=localhost,"
      ## Clear runtime proxy settings
      unset HTTP_PROXY
      unset HTTPS_PROXY
      unset NO_PROXY
      # Restart Docker
      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
      sudo systemctl restart docker
      # Verify the proxy settings have been cleared
      systemctl show --property=Environment docker
      docker info | grep -i proxy

Method Two: Source Code Compilation and Operation

This method is aimed at developers / advanced users who have secondary development / customization needs.

This method requires you to first complete the modification of the configuration file cfg.json, and then proceed with 3 Front-end Compilation and 4 Back-end Compilation in sequence.


  • go >= 1.20.0
  • pnpm (npm && node ^12.0.0 || >= 14.0.0)

1. Obtain the Project Source Code

git clone

2. Modify the Configuration File

Refer to cfg.json.example to modify the configuration file.

cd Open-OAuth2Playground
cp cfg.json.example cfg.json
# vim cfg.json  ## Modify the configuration file

3. Front-end Compilation

cd front-standalone/
# Ensure you are in the Open-OAuth2Playground/front-standalone directory
pnpm install
pnpm build

Compilation success result:


  Build at: 2024-10-31T03:41:50.137Z - Hash: fa1d180a37fe6b83 - Time: 32612ms

 DONE  Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.
 INFO  Check out deployment instructions at

At this point, a dist directory will be compiled under front-standalone.

4. Back-end Compilation

cd ..
# Ensure you are in the Open-OAuth2Playground root directory
go mod tidy
go build

After successful compilation, the Open-OAuth2Playground binary file will be compiled in the root directory.

5. Operation



[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
 - using env:   export GIN_MODE=release
 - using code:  gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)

[GIN-debug] GET    /css/*filepath            -->*RouterGroup).createStaticHandler.func1 (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD   /css/*filepath            -->*RouterGroup).createStaticHandler.func1 (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /js/*filepath             -->*RouterGroup).createStaticHandler.func1 (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD   /js/*filepath             -->*RouterGroup).createStaticHandler.func1 (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /                         -->*RouterGroup).StaticFile.func1 (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD   /                         -->*RouterGroup).StaticFile.func1 (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /favicon.ico              -->*RouterGroup).StaticFile.func2 (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD   /favicon.ico              -->*RouterGroup).StaticFile.func2 (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /v1/config                --> (4 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /v1/oauth2/pkce           -->
Playground/controller.pkce (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /v1/oauth2/user_code      --> (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /v1/oauth2/device_flow    --> (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /v1/oauth2/client_credentials --> (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /v1/oauth2/password       --> (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /v1/oauth2/authorization_code --> (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /v1/oauth2/refresh_token  --> (6 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /v1/api                   --> (6 handlers)

The service has started normally. Visit (default) or the .http.listen configured in cfg.json to access Open-OAuth2Playground.

Unified Packaging

Package the compiled results into Open-OAuth2Playground-${release}.tar.gz:

cd ..
chmod +x control
./control pack

If you need to add/modify the packaging content, please modify the control file.

Method Three: Binary Package - Unzip and Run Directly

This project provides a pre-compiled project compressed package, which can be directly downloaded and unzipped for operation.


Download the latest [release] package from release, unzip it, and run it directly.

mkdir Open-OAuth2Playground
cd Open-OAuth2Playground/
tar -zxvf Open-OAuth2Playground-linux-0.2.0.tar.gz
./control start
# ./control stop

Access your server's port 80 to use it (default local access:


If you only need to run tests on Windows, you can directly download the from release, unzip it, and run Open-OAuth2Playground.exe.

Method Four: Binary Package - Systemctl Hosted Operation

Method Three: Binary Package - Unzip and Run Directly can also be automatically hosted and operated with systemctl.

# 1. Download and unzip the release package in /opt/Open-OAuth2Playground
cd /opt
mkdir Open-OAuth2Playground
cd Open-OAuth2Playground/
tar -zxvf Open-OAuth2Playground-linux-0.2.0.tar.gz

# 2. Create a service file
# Please adjust the file content according to your specific needs

# Method One: Directly write in
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/playground.service > /dev/null << 'EOF'

# modify when deploy in prod env




# Method Two: Copy the playground.service from the compressed package to the system directory
# cp playground.service /etc/systemd/system/playground.service

# 3. Start playground.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable playground
systemctl start playground

At this point, the file tree structure is as follows (the Open-OAuth2Playground binary file and cfg.json configuration file must exist). If deployed in other directories, modify the WorkingDirectory and ExecStart fields in playground.service.

[root@iZm05jcnfytljnZ Open-OAuth2Playground]# tree /opt
└── Open-OAuth2Playground
    ├── cfg.json
    ├── control
    ├── front-standalone
    │   ├── dist
    │   │   ├── css
    │   │   │   ├── ...
    │   │   └── js
    │   │       └── ...
    │   └── ...
    ├── gitversion
    ├── logs
    │   ├── DEBUG.log
    │   ├── INFO.log
    │   └── *.log
    ├── Open-OAuth2Playground
    └── Open-OAuth2Playground-linux-0.2.0.tar.gz


I. Backend Configuration

Refer to cfg.json.example, create a cfg.jon configuration file, and modify the configuration.

  "logger": {
    "dir": "logs/",
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "keepHours": 24
  "endpoints": {
    "authorization": "",
    "token": "",
    "userinfo": ""
  "iplimit": {
    "enable": false,
    "trust_ip": ["","::1"]
  "http": {
    "trust_proxy": ["", "::1"],
    "cors": ["","http://localhost:8080"],
    "listen": ""
  "trust_domain": ["", "localhost"],
  "default_scope": "Basic",
  "timeout": 10

Backend Configuration Description

Configuration Item Type Description
logger.dir string Log folder
logger.level string Log level
logger.keepHours int Log retention time
endpoints.authorization string OAuth2.0 authorization address
endpoints.token string OAuth2.0 token acquisition address
endpoints.userinfo string OAuth2.0 user information acquisition address
iplimit.enable bool Whether to enable IP restriction
iplimit.trust_ip []string List of trusted IPs
http.route_base string Route prefix, note to match with the front end
http.trust_proxy []string List of trusted proxy IPs
http.cors []string List of domains allowed for front-end cross-domain
http.listen string Listening address
trust_domain []string List of trusted domains when the backend forwards API calls
default_scope string Default scope
timeout int Timeout time

II. Frontend Configuration

Modify .env.production:

# Router path
# Api Config

Frontend Configuration Description

Configuration Item Type Description
VUE_APP_ROUTER_BASE string Route prefix, note to match with the backend
VUE_APP_API_PROTO string Needed when the front end is deployed independently, the proto of the backend server
VUE_APP_API_HOST string Needed when the front end is deployed independently, the domain name of the backend
VUE_APP_API_PORT string Needed when the front end is deployed independently, the port of the backend. If it's the default port, it can be ignored (e.g., 443 for https or 80 for http)
VUE_APP_API_VERSION string API version, currently fixed at v1

III. Frontend Project Independent Deployment

The front-end part of the project can be deployed and published independently, or it can be published by the backend.

By default, it is published by the backend, at which time the front-end configurations such as VUE_APP_API_HOST,VUE_APP_API_PROTO, VUE _APP_API_PORT can be ignored. At this time, the compiled and packaged front-end code should be deployed under the front-standalone/dist directory relative to the backend binary file.

If the front end is deployed independently, it is necessary to configure VUE_APP_API_HOST,VUE_APP_API_PROTO, VUE_APP_API_PORT and other configuration items during compilation, and ensure that the domain name of the front end is within the backend's cross-domain list.

Customized Frontend Menu

The menu part of the project corresponds to the front-standalone/src/views/Layourt.vue file, and you can modify the content of el-menu-item as needed, and then compile and package.


[Reference 1] RFC6749

First, you need to enter the Open-OAuth2Playground front-end home page, and complete the information configuration in the top right corner Configuration Settings:

Client Configuration

I. Authorization Code Mode

Authorization Code Mode is also known as the authorization code flow. The steps are as follows:

  1. Visit the APP service, i.e., click the GO icon, at this time the client will direct the user to the authentication server (Authorization Server), i.e., apereo-cas server;
  2. The user (after logging in) chooses whether to authorize;
  3. After authorization, the authentication server directs the user to the redirect URI, and returns the authorization code, i.e., the Authorization Code in Step 2;
  4. With this authorization code, the user can obtain an access token (Token) and a refresh access token. Then you can carry the access token to access the resource server, i.e., Step 3.

Authorization Code Flow

II. Resource Owner Password Credentials Mode

Resource Owner Password Credentials Mode is also known as the password flow. The steps are as follows:

  1. Visit the APP service, and provide the username and password to the client, then click Get Token;
  2. Obtain the access token, and you can access the resource server.

Password Flow

III. Client Credentials Mode

Client Credentials Mode is also known as the client flow. The steps are as follows:

  1. The client directly authenticates to the authentication server and requests an access token (without user information);
  2. The authentication server provides the client with an access token, which is used to access the resource server.

Client Flow

In client flow, the authentication behavior is initiated by the client. Since there is no binding of user information, it can be seen that although the request is successful, the user cannot obtain content related to personal information.

IV. Device Flow Mode

Device Flow Mode is also known as the device flow. The steps are as follows:

  1. Visit the APP service, i.e., click the GO icon, the client will provide a user verification code (User Code). At this time, the client will send the verification code to the authentication server and listen to the status of the authentication server; Device Flow - 1
  2. The user can scan the code or enter the authentication page through the authentication link (which can be a different device) and complete the authentication by entering the verification code within the valid time; Device Flow - 2
  3. After successful authentication, return to the client, at this time the client successfully listens to the user completing the authentication and obtaining the access token; Device Flow - 3 Device Flow - 4
  4. The user can access the resource server with this access token. Device Flow - 5

V. PKCE Mode

PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) mode is a more secure authorization code flow. The steps are as follows:

  1. The client generates a random code verifier (click Refresh), and obtains the code challenge through code challenge method (e.g., SHA256);
  2. The user also authorizes through the authentication server (click GO, and complete the authentication at the authentication server, redirected back to the client by the authentication server), obtaining the authorization code;
  3. Different from the authorization code flow, the PKCE authorization code flow requires the code verifier to be carried for authentication when obtaining the access token, to prevent interception attacks on the authorization code;
  4. After obtaining the access token, you can access the resource server.

PKCE Authorization Code Flow


This project is inspired by Google's OAuth 2.0 Playground.

Thank you to Google for providing such an excellent tool.