A bootstrap 3 admin using bladeone template system (php).
Unlikely other products, it only requires a single file BladeOne.php to runs. So it could runs in vanilla php without any framework or any other external references.
Live template Running on heroku
composer require EFTEC/gentelella-bladeone
All the references and resources are included in this project.
Just download the folder to a web server and run /index.php
include "vendor/autoload.php";
use eftec\bladeone;
$blade=new BladeOne\BladeOne(__DIR__.'/views',__DIR__ . '/compiled');
$values=['title'=>'Gentelella-bladeone | index ','username'=>'Hillary Trump'];
echo $blade->run("home.index",$values);
where home.index is the index template located in the folder \views\home
\ = Controllers files. They simply use Bladeone and reder the views.
\views = The templates based in gentelella. The templates are compatible with Laravel's Blade
\views\_shared = The shared templates
\views\_shared\master.blade.php = The master template. It has the common code used for many pages but the login and error pages.
\views\_shared\masterfull.blade.php = Another master page that doesn't have the left and top menu
\views\_shared\header.php = The header (upper menu)
\views\_shared\head.php = The head <head> content
\views\_shared\leftmenu.php = The left menu
\views\_shared\leftmenu.php = The footer of the page (where is the copyright)
\views\_home = The pages content
\images = images used by the views.
\js = Custom javascript.
\css = Custom stylesheet
\vendor = third party php libraries (BladeOne)
\vendors = third party javascript libraries
\compiled = a folder when the compiled \views are created. It auto generates.
- It requires BladeOne (PHP) 1.8 or higher. Included in the project.
- PHP 5.5 or higher.
(all included)
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- TODO: Others.
The files:
contain a code to Google analytics. You could remove it. Google analytics is used for the heroku demo.
<!-- google analytics, please remove it -->
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-99820696-1', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
<!-- google analytics, please remove it -->
- 0.1 - 2017-05-21 first version (beta)
- 0.2 - 2017-05-24 second version. 99% its up and running. SCSS fixes.
Template | Version/Status |
index.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
calendar.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
chartjs.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
chartjs2.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
contacts.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
echarts.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
e_commerce.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
fixed_footer.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
fixed_sidebar.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
form.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
form_advanced.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
form_buttons.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
form_upload.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
form_validation.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
form_wizards.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
general_elements.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
glyphicons.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
icons.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
inbox.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
index.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
index2.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
index3.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
invoice.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
level2.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
login.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
map.blade.php | 0.1 NOT TESTED |
media_gallery.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
morisjs.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
other_charts.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
page_403.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
page_404.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
page_500.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
plain_page.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
pricing_tables.blade.php | 0.1 OK |
profile.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
projects.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
project_detail.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
tables.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
tables_dynamic.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
typography.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
widgets.blade.php | 0.2 OK |
xx.blade.php | 0.1 What is that? |
BladeOne is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software. But you always need to state that Jorge Castro Castillo is the original author of this library.
Gentelella copyright Colorlib (https://colorlib.com/). Licensed under The MIT License (MIT).
Animate copyright Daniel Eden (https://daneden.github.io). Licensed under The MIT License (MIT).
Autosize copyright Jack Moore. Licensed under The MIT License (MIT).
TODO: other licenses.