This repository provides COMSOL and MATLAB model files discussed in the paper: "Method for overcoming temporal dispersion in unmyelinated nerves to image them with Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)", I Tarotin et al.
List of the attached files:
- Cfibre_model_fin_RepdZ.mph: FEM model of a mammalian C fibre, COMSOL
- Cfibre_model_fin_RepdZ_cuff.mph: FEM model of a mammalian C fibre with the cuff (see the paper), COMSOL
- dZ_trains_FEM.mat: MATLAB database with the dZ trains simulated with the FEM model of the single C fibre with the cuff
- ap_dZ_shape_C_cuff.mat: MATLAB database with single AP and dZ simulated with the FEM model with the cuff
- Model_matching_with_experiment.m: MATLAB code used for adjustment of the created statistical model to the experimental recordings
- FullStatModel_clean.m: MATLAB code of the developed statistical model
Processing/plotting of the obtained experimental data:
- post_processing_single_clean.m: Post processing of the data recorded with stimulation by continuous (single) pulses
- post_processing_trains_clean.m: Post processing of the data recorded with stimulation by series (trains) of pulses
- plot_singledZ_clean.m: Plotting the processed single spikes data
- plot_traindZ_clean.m: Plotting the processed trains data
- plot_CAP_w: Plotting CAPs