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2. Project Management

juyaolongpaul edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 1 revision

GitHub Issues

Each issue should have a Priority, Status, and Type tag.


Priority tags represent how important the issue is relative to other issues. Type: BLOCKER issues are actively blocking development and should be dealt with immediately. Priority: HIGH and Priority: LOW issues should be worked-on in the immediate future. Priority: LONG-TERM issues correspond to long-term project goals and should not be prioritized over other issues.


Status tags describe how far-along an issue is in development.

A developer who closes an issue is responsible for updating the Status of the issue. If a Type: BUG issue has been fixed, or a Type: ENHANCEMENT has been implemented, then the issue should be marked as Status: FIXED.

Status: UNKNOWN issues are usually old issues that have not been updated in a while or properly documented. Developers assigned to Status: UNKNOWN issues have a responsibility to investigate the progress of the issue and update the issue's Status tag.