Spring Boot application Security Assessment InSpec profile
Install InSpec for the profile execution
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/EasyAppSecurity/spring-boot-inspec
- Create properties .yml file in inspec-vault/attributes folder, where specify Spring Boot application settings. For example, vault-centos7-test.yml:
spring_boot_executable : /home/osboxes/example.jar # The path on the system where Spring Boot application .jar file is located
spring_boot_service : example-app-service # The name of Spring Boot application service
spring_boot_service_path : /etc/systemd/system/example_app.service # The path on the system where Spring Boot application configuration file is located
spring_boot_user : example_app_user # The system user account that Spring Boot application service runs as
spring_boot_config : /home/osboxes/example.jar!/application-default.properties # Path to Spring Boot application configuration file. In case if configuration file is inside the jar file, specify the path in the following format - /path/to/springbootapp.jar!/resources/application.properties
spring_boot_log_path : /var/log/example_logs # Path to Spring Boot logging file (.log) or directory
- Execute the profile:
$ inspec exec spring-boot-inspec --input-file spring-boot-inspec/attributes/spring-boot-centos7-test.yml --reporter html:/tmp/inspec-spring-boot.html
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