This is my project for CodeWithFriends Fall 2020
Well, this is my blog (just landing page without functionality), I coded the backend using JavaScript, specifically Node.js, and the frontend using React.js
It's just a kind of landing page right now, but then I'm gonna add more functionalities
You can see my blog live
Also I designed all its UI using Figma
And I used babel for the project's build
Firstly, I learned how to implement lowDB (A database in a json file)
Then how to use GitHub workflows, and a bit of Unit Testing in Node.js with mocha and chai, and how to use a kind of CI/CD with GitHub Workflows and Heroku
- Upload post photos
- Authentication and admin page
- Add views counter to db fields
- Add tags to db fields
- Readjust
field format, ex. "october 27, 2020"
- Add post page
- Loading animation
- Try to learn Redux and implement it
- Add some personalized components, like headers
- Sort posts by creation date
- Add a section for All Posts, with a search bar, and add tags
- Set 4 posts for Recent Posts number
- Set a responsive layout padding (left and right)