Twitter-style Social Network with MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node.js)
- Register and log in on the platform.
- Modify our data.
- Upload a profile picture.
- Follow and unfollow any user (follow and unfollow).
- Make posts with text and images.
- See the publications of the people we follow on the timeline.
- See my user profile and that of other people.
- Receive and send private messages.
*** JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages on the web. *** NodeJS, very popular platform for developing with JavaScript on the server side. *** ExpressJS, framework for Node.js that allows us to work with the HTTP protocol and have a route system. *** MongoDB, the most powerful and popular JavaScript-based NoSQL database management system. *** Angular6, the framework powered by Google whose purpose is the development of SPA (Single page applications) web applications. Reactive and instant. *** jQuery, the must-have and best-known frontend framework for JavaScript. *** AJAX, to make asynchronous requests to the server. *** Bootstrap, the most standardized and essential CSS and JS framework currently for building user interfaces. *** HTML5, CSS3, etc.
- Edgar Vega - EC company