You can also access the code from Aliyun:
- git clone to your own computer
- import the bookshop_databse.sql to your own database
- open with a compiler(IDEA is recommended) and add configuration
- run the Tomcat and open the browser: http://localhost:8080/BookShop_war_exploded/
| |---bookshop_database.sql //database of the online bookshop
| |---bookshop
| | |---src //backend code folder
| | | |---dao //mapper folder, interact with the database
| | | |---filter //filter folder, filter the request
| | | |---listener //listener folder, monitor the common application, session and request
| | | |---model //entity folder
| | | |---service //service folder, implememt service logic
| | | |---servlet //servlet folder, receive requests from frontend and response
| | | |---utils // utils folder, encapsulate auxiliary utility classes
| | | |---c3p0-config.xml //configuration file
| | |---WebContent //frontend code folder
| | | |---admin //pages for the backend management
| | | |---admin_center.jsp //admin center page
| | | |---css //style folder
| | | |---fonts //font folder
| | | |---footer.jsp //footer of the main page
| | | |---goods_cart.jsp //goods cart page
| | | |---goods_detail.jsp //goods detail page
| | | |---goods_list.jsp //goods list page
| | | |---goods_search.jsp //goods serach page
| | | |---header.jsp //header of the main page
| | | |---images //images for homepage background, logo and payment
| | | |---index.jsp //homepage
| | | |---js //javascript library
| | | |---layer //pictures and style files
| | | |---META-INF //store meta information
| | | |---order_list.jsp //order list page
| | | |---order_submit.jsp //order submit page
| | | |---order_success.jsp //order success page
| | | |---page.jsp //page hopping function
| | | |---picture //picture folder for the book cover
| | | |---user_center.jsp //user center page
| | | |---user_login.jsp //user login page
| | | |---user_register.jsp //user register page
| | | |---WEB-INF //configuration files, including web.xml and jar packages
| | |---build //class files