// Just result
Result successRes = Result.Ok();
bool isSuccess = successRes.IsSuccess;
bool isFailed = successRes.IsFailed;
// Error from message
Result failedRes1 = Result.Fail("Ooops!");
// Error from exception
Result failedRes2 = Result.Fail(new Exception("Bad situation!"));
Result<int> successValuedRes = Result.Ok(5);
// Error from message
Result<int> failedValueRes1 = Result.Fail<int>("Ooops!");
// Error from exception
Result<int> failedValueRes2 = Result.Fail<int>(new Exception("Bad situation!"));
/// Result methods
Result<int> countResult = Result.Ok(1000);
// Throw, if failed
int myValue1 = countResult.Value;
// Not throw, but can return default value of type
int myValue2 = countResult.ValueOrDefault;
// Get value or return other value
int myValue3 = countResult.GetValueOrDefault(100);
// Get value or construct and return other value
int myValue4 = countResult.GetValueOrDefault(() => 2);
// Base type of errors
var coreError = new Error("Bad 1");
var exError = new ExceptionalError(new Exception("Sorry, but..."));
// Errors using
Result fail = Result.Fail(new ArgumentException("myVariable"));
// Get errors of result
IReadOnlyCollection<IError> errors = fail.Errors;
bool hasSpecificError = fail.Errors.HasErrorsOfType<ExceptionalError>(x => x.Exception is ArgumentException);
// Get all exception of ExceptionalError, if contains
IEnumerable<Exception> exceptions = fail.GetExceptions();
// Get all typed exception of ExceptionalError, if contains
IEnumerable<ArgumentException> exceptionsTyped = fail.GetExceptions<ArgumentException>();
// Get all filtered exception of ExceptionalError, if contains
IEnumerable<Exception> exceptionsFiltered = fail.GetExceptions(x => x.Message == "Oops!");
// Get first exception of ExceptionalError, if contains
bool contains1 = fail.TryGetException(out Exception? exception);
// Get first typed exception of ExceptionalError, if contains
bool contains2 = fail.TryGetException(out ArgumentException? argumentEx);
// Get first filtered exception of ExceptionalError, if contains
bool contains3 = fail.TryGetException(out Exception? filtered, x => x.Message == "Oops!");
// Conditional
Result cond1 = Result.OkIf(1 == 2, "Error message");
Result cond2 = Result.FailIf(2 == 1, new Exception("Oh..."));
/// Try and return
// Return failed result with error, variable will be false
Result wasSuccess = Result.Try(() => throw new Exception("No no no"));
// Return success result with value
Result<int> valuedResult = Result.Try(() => 100);