This Node-RED custom node lets you consume google sheets spreadsheets on demand.
My inspiration for creating this module was that the popular node-red-contrib-google-sheets puts all the spreadsheet data in memory overloading Node.js and causing crashes while working with big sets of data (such as 10K+ sheets lines).
It also doesn't automatically set the sheet range nor parse data to JSON nor allow you to filter only the columns you want.
This module nodered-contrib-google-sheets-to-json-stream came to solve these problems by processing data on demand and providing a good developer experience.
Once you add your google sheets credentials and put the spreadSheetId, it:
- auto completes fields listing all sheets in the spreadsheet
- automatically sets the range of lines and columns available in the sheets
- parses the available columns (using the sheet's first line) into JSON
- processes items on demand (currently process 500 items per time if the range is bigger than 500)
- in the status, shows how many lines were processed vs how many is missing
- if you trigger this module twice, stops the current processing
To setup auth this node uses a google service account:
Create a new service account from This Page
Download a JSON credentials object for the service account.
Give that account access to the sheets API.
Share your sheet with the email address of the service account eg
credits: I got this piece of info from node-red-contrib-google-sheets
- This module use the your sheet's first line to determine what columns the JSON will have
- Make sure your sheet won't have blank lines in the beggining
- This module gets
from the A1 until the line google sheets api returns but sometimes empty lines are in the end- Make sure you delete all blank lines in the end of the file to avoid processing empty fields
- If you spreadsheet contains blank items, the google API might skip this line
- Replace all black items with
" "
(see how-do-you-replace-blank-cells-with-zero-in-google-sheets) to know how to fix it
- Replace all black items with
The sheet ID can be found in the URL of your google sheet, for example in
Where the ID will be 1UuVIH2O38XK0TfPMGHk0HG_ixGLtLk6WoBKh4YSrDm4
You an checkout the examples in ./examples
[{"id":"d652ac160cab2b75","type":"inject","z":"node-456d53ee","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":120,"y":60,"wires":[["c3338b4dcfe5389b"]]},{"id":"c3338b4dcfe5389b","type":"sheets-to-json-stream","z":"node-456d53ee","config":"node-44ef3d66","sheetId":"","sheetList":"","sheetListValues":"","range":"","columns":"","name":"","x":180,"y":100,"wires":[["e5933f1826546203"]]},{"id":"e5933f1826546203","type":"debug","z":"node-456d53ee","name":"debug 1","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":200,"y":140,"wires":[]}]
- It uses the
"@googleapis/sheets": "^9.0.0"
and"google-auth-library": "^9.11.0"
Contributions are always welcome, consider opening an issue first and discuss with the community before opening a pull request
See to learn how you can run all tests before changing the code