Formats a fasta file to include kraken headers for kraken database generation.
usage: [-h] [-f FASTA] [-o OUT] [-l LOOKUP_DB] [-p PREFIX]
[-r REGEX]
This tool parses fasta headers for organism information and adds the necessary taxonomy ID needed in order to create a Kraken2 database.
For the --regex parameter, you may pick from one of the built-in regex patterns (just input 1 or 2), or supply one of your own:
Pattern #1: '(?<=\[)[A-Z][a-z]+\s[a-z]+(?=.*\])' - Searches for organism name in square brackets ( >foo [Genus species] bar)
Pattern #2: '(?<=\s)[A-Z][a-z]+\s[a-z]+(?=.*)' - Seareches for organism name listed before a comma (>foo Genus species, bar)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
Path to fasta that needs formatting.
-o OUT, --out OUT Path to output directory.
-l LOOKUP_DB, --lookup_db LOOKUP_DB
Database to look up NCBI accession. Default = nucleotide.
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
File prefix. Default = --out value
-r REGEX, --regex REGEX
Supply a regular expression pattern that will help the script find where your organism's name is in the fasta header. You may pick from one of the options mentioned above or supply your pattern directly. --fasta </path/to/fasta]> --regex 1 --prefix <output_file_prefix> --out <name of output directory>
Formatted fasta entries with |kraken:taxid|<taxid>
formatted in each header.
Fasta entries where no taxonomy ID result found.