An experimental sketch version of the Moe compiler. (I'm trying to take the patient apart, rearrange it and put it back together without killing it)
- Recover from errors rather than aborting on first one
- Query based compilation
- Multi-threaded
String -> Using interred strings, just check pointer rather than HV, threads will need to use mutex when adding to the hash
SLexerLocation -> LexerSpan; should always be passed as const &
All types should be unique from the start, don't set an AST node's type until it can be uniquely determined
Collapse TypeInfoInt and TypeInfoFloat to TypeInfoNumeric
- No leading S/C for structs or classes
- EWC macros/namespaces changed to MOE
- No more pCoz/pChz, all string code should handle UTF8
- Alloc -> not using arena based loading - this would be nicer, but I don't think it will work with caching query results
- Removing acast
- Removing for_each
- Using unnamed types require a
before the type
- Each thread has write access to the AST in it's working set (parser=file, typecheck=WorkspaceEntry) and any cross set searches (symbol lookup, registry) needs to be guarded [ ] change the type creation routines to go through a typeFactory that will guarantee uniqueness and control thread access
[ ] symbols should be defined during parse and then symbol tables should be locked
- Not all files will parse before we start type checking, this means you may need to wait for a symbol to be defined (not just waiting for defined symbols to parse) This is especially bad for function overloading
- "array references" -> array slice
- unify Proc/Procedure naming - everything should be proc (I think it's just TypeInfoProcedure)
- fix error recovery stack to synch with multiple error outcomes ( ie. failure to parse expression list should recover to ',' or recover to '}'
- track nested constructs in error recovery?
- nested block comments
- Get rid of errep passing, (just add a hide error count to ErrorManager?)
- add module support