This project uses hand gesture recognition program in python (PythonGestureHandler) implemented using mediapipe library and openCVpython. Used a Socket connection to communicate between the python node and Ros Image Handler. The image handler node receives the footage from the Wireless Camera Module of the PlutoX drone and also publishes the required control signals on the drone control topic.
Install python3 from this tutorial or type the following commands on terminal
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3.8 python3-pip
Follow this tutorial on ROS wiki and install necesarry package to use the gesture control feature .
$ roscd <WORKSPACE_NAME>/src
# clone repository
$ git clone
# Build the Package
$ catkin_make
Open nodes in different terminals
# To start the python Gesture-Handler Node using python virtual environment
$ source ~/venv/PythonGestureHandler/bin/activate
$ python venv/PythonGestureHandler/src/
# start roscore
$ roscore
# pluto node for communication with pluto drone
$ rosrun plutodrone plutonode
# To get the frame from camera
$ rosrun pluto_camera_sense plutocamera
# To start streaming camera feed
$ rosrun pluto_image_sub imagepronode
Use roslaunch to execute all ROS nodes at once
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/launch
$ roslaunch launch_gesture_control.launch