Users can retrieve various player information directly from the League of Legends API using this bot and have it displayed in discord chat.
Retrieve your Discord developer token the Discord developer portal
Create a bot for Discord and grant it the Server Members privileged intent through the developer portal
Set up OAuth2 to let the bot connect to your server
Change the database default password to something random and add your Discord bot token and your emoji Discord IDs to the file
# Choosing a channel will allow you to enter the matchmaking queue
# Using the commands below will allow you to perform certain tasks
>>> This will add and lookup your league profile
>>> Give a list of all regions that are supported, and their codes.
>>> This will add and lookup your league profile
>>> Get recent games of a summoner
!summinfo <SUMMONER NAME> <REGION> OR !summinfo`
>>> Get the account information of a League of Legends summoner.\nNote: using just '!summinfo' will result in the account you have saved being looked up. Refer to the !addsumm command for adding your account.
Display your Discord user information.
- You can configure the the bot client via botsettings.json file. Just provide your token, user, and password.