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UKITWeb is a framework which helps you building your website.


UKIT 2 is now under devlopping!

Switch to the branch "ukit-2" to see what's going on!

How to use it

We advise you to create an empty folder to start your project.

You need these files

File name usage
node In order to run a nodejs program you need a runtime enviroment first.
UKITMain.node.js This is UKITWeb Framework's main program.
port.conf This file contians the port which you want the server to listen.
ukitforground.js This is an framework code file, it is used to load data for the browser.
index.upage This is a file which will be written by your self. It is the main page. (Isn't a must)
other files Add what you need

Notice: Only files which end by the ".upage" subfix will be translated by the framework, the others will be send to the browser directly

address-bind.conf: set the file-head to "# disable" to disable ip-binding. The second line should be ip-addr, use ',' between two address to split them.

About the UPage file

A UPage file must be end by the subfix ".upage"

It must contains the lable <upageCode> and it must be end by </upageCode>

In the upageCode element, you need to create a function called "onGet" with an argument. (In this document, I named it "framework") framework has 2 method getArg and export framework.getArg(name) is used to get url arguments framework.export(key, value) is used to export a value

In scripts in HTML, you can use to get the value which you have exported.

Notice: If a UPage file didn't have the upageCode label, it will be never returned. It means that users will see thier browser is loading endlessly.

Note: If you want to creat a static file which dosen't need upage part, you can create it with the subfix ".html"