UKITWeb is a framework which helps you building your website.
UKIT 2 is now under devlopping!
Switch to the branch "ukit-2" to see what's going on!
We advise you to create an empty folder to start your project.
You need these files
File name | usage |
node | In order to run a nodejs program you need a runtime enviroment first. |
UKITMain.node.js | This is UKITWeb Framework's main program. |
port.conf | This file contians the port which you want the server to listen. |
ukitforground.js | This is an framework code file, it is used to load data for the browser. |
index.upage | This is a file which will be written by your self. It is the main page. (Isn't a must) |
other files | Add what you need |
Notice: Only files which end by the ".upage" subfix will be translated by the framework, the others will be send to the browser directly
address-bind.conf: set the file-head to "# disable" to disable ip-binding. The second line should be ip-addr, use ',' between two address to split them.
A UPage file must be end by the subfix ".upage"
It must contains the lable <upageCode>
and it must be end by </upageCode>
In the upageCode element, you need to create a function called "onGet" with an argument. (In this document, I named it "framework")
framework has 2 method getArg
and export
is used to get url arguments
framework.export(key, value)
is used to export a value
In scripts in HTML, you can use
to get the value which you have exported.
Notice: If a UPage file didn't have the upageCode label, it will be never returned. It means that users will see thier browser is loading endlessly.
Note: If you want to creat a static file which dosen't need upage part, you can create it with the subfix ".html"