- 👋 Hi, I’m Gideon Kruseman (@ForesightAndMetrics). From 2022 to the end of 2024, I led Work Package 3 in the Foresight Systems Initiative in CGIAR see: initiative proposal. In that capacity I managed this repository. The Foresight Initiative has come to an end and is incorporated in the CGIAR Science Portfolio: Policy Innovations Science Program. Stayy tuned to who will coordinate this repo in future.
- 👀 I’m interested in the radical democratization of foresight analysis by ensuring FAIR foresight data and metrics and open source foresight tools
- 🌱 At the end of 2023 new material was finalized and added to the reposirory.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on cool foresight models and tools and related data and metrics the model outputs, publications and related documentation will be available through the foresight web-portal. The webportal went through a major revamp during the Foresight Initiative era.
- 📫 How to reach me: info@gkruseman.nl
OIMS is the flexible and extensible machine readable and human inteligible metadata schema we use for adding rich metadata to data and metrics, models and tools, and the related documentation.
Clim2Agri is a tool for extracting and sub-setting geospatial climate data from gridded products for their use in crop modelling and agricultural research.
Links to other key foresight models and tools that are part of the Foresight and Metrics Initiative
IMPACT model website @IFPRI
IMPACT model GitHub repository