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more p, v, g, s -> params, vars, grid, sol
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navidcy committed May 28, 2020
1 parent 72b3808 commit 4445425
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Showing 4 changed files with 118 additions and 115 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/twodnavierstokes_decaying.jl
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ nothing # hide
# ## Problem setup
# We initialize a `Problem` by providing a set of keyword arguments. The
# `stepper` keyword defines the time-stepper to be used.
prob = TwoDNavierStokes.Problem(; nx=n, Lx=L, ny=n, Ly=L, dt=dt, stepper="FilteredRK4", dev=dev)
prob = TwoDNavierStokes.Problem(dev; nx=n, Lx=L, ny=n, Ly=L, dt=dt, stepper="FilteredRK4")
nothing # hide

# Next we define some shortcuts for convenience.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/twodnavierstokes_stochasticforcing.jl
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Expand Up @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ nothing # hide
# ## Problem setup
# We initialize a `Problem` by providing a set of keyword arguments. The
# `stepper` keyword defines the time-stepper to be used.
prob = TwoDNavierStokes.Problem(nx=n, Lx=L, ν=ν, nν=nν, μ=μ, nμ=nμ, dt=dt, stepper="ETDRK4",
calcF=calcF!, stochastic=true, dev=dev)
prob = TwoDNavierStokes.Problem(dev; nx=n, Lx=L, ν=ν, nν=nν, μ=μ, nμ=nμ, dt=dt, stepper="ETDRK4",
calcF=calcF!, stochastic=true)
nothing # hide

# Define some shortcuts for convenience.
Expand Down
211 changes: 107 additions & 104 deletions src/twodnavierstokes.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,16 +11,12 @@ export

using Reexport

@reexport using FourierFlows

using LinearAlgebra: mul!, ldiv!
using FourierFlows: getfieldspecs, parsevalsum, parsevalsum2

abstract type TwoDNavierStokesVars <: AbstractVars end
using FourierFlows: getfieldspecs, parsevalsum

nothingfunction(args...) = nothing

Expand All @@ -29,7 +25,7 @@ nothingfunction(args...) = nothing
Construct a 2D turbulence problem.
function Problem(;
function Problem(dev::Device=CPU();
# Numerical parameters
nx = 256,
Lx = 2π,
Expand All @@ -41,19 +37,21 @@ function Problem(;
= 1,
μ = 0,
= 0,
# Timestepper and eqn options
# Timestepper and equation options
stepper = "RK4",
calcF = nothingfunction,
stochastic = false,
T = Float64,
dev = CPU()

gr = TwoDGrid(dev, nx, Lx, ny, Ly; T=T)
pr = Params{T}(ν, nν, μ, nμ, calcF)
vs = calcF == nothingfunction ? Vars(dev, gr) : (stochastic ? StochasticForcedVars(dev, gr) : ForcedVars(dev, gr))
eq = Equation(pr, gr)
FourierFlows.Problem(eq, stepper, dt, gr, vs, pr, dev)
T = Float64)

grid = TwoDGrid(dev, nx, Lx, ny, Ly; T=T)

params = Params{T}(ν, nν, μ, nμ, calcF)

vars = calcF == nothingfunction ? Vars(dev, grid) : (stochastic ? StochasticForcedVars(dev, grid) : ForcedVars(dev, grid))

equation = Equation(params, grid)

return FourierFlows.Problem(equation, stepper, dt, grid, vars, params, dev)

Expand All @@ -73,6 +71,7 @@ struct Params{T} <: AbstractParams
:: Int # Order of hypodrag
calcF! :: Function # Function that calculates the forcing F

Params(ν, nν) = Params(ν, nν, typeof(ν)(0), 0, nothingfunction)

Expand All @@ -81,21 +80,23 @@ Params(ν, nν) = Params(ν, nν, typeof(ν)(0), 0, nothingfunction)
# ---------

Equation(p, g)
Equation(p, grid)
Returns the equation for two-dimensional turbulence with params p and grid g.
Returns the equation for two-dimensional turbulence with params p and `grid`.
function Equation(p::Params, g::AbstractGrid{T}) where T
L = @. - p.ν*g.Krsq^p.- p.μ*g.Krsq^p.
function Equation(params::Params, grid::AbstractGrid)
L = @. - params.ν * grid.Krsq^params.- params.μ * grid.Krsq^params.
L[1, 1] = 0
FourierFlows.Equation(L, calcN!, g)
return FourierFlows.Equation(L, calcN!, grid)

# ----
# Vars
# ----

abstract type TwoDNavierStokesVars <: AbstractVars end

struct Vars{Aphys, Atrans, F, P} <: TwoDNavierStokesVars
zeta :: Aphys
u :: Aphys
Expand All @@ -111,39 +112,41 @@ const ForcedVars = Vars{<:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, Nothi
const StochasticForcedVars = Vars{<:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray}

Vars(dev, g)
Vars(dev, grid)
Returns the vars for unforced two-dimensional turbulence on device dev and with
grid g.
Returns the vars for unforced two-dimensional turbulence on device dev and with `grid`.
function Vars(::Dev, g::AbstractGrid{T}) where {Dev, T}
@devzeros Dev T (g.nx, g.ny) zeta u v
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (g.nkr, zetah uh vh
Vars(zeta, u, v, zetah, uh, vh, nothing, nothing)
function Vars(::Dev, grid::AbstractGrid) where Dev
T = eltype(grid)
@devzeros Dev T (grid.nx, grid.ny) zeta u v
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (grid.nkr, zetah uh vh
return Vars(zeta, u, v, zetah, uh, vh, nothing, nothing)

ForcedVars(dev, g)
ForcedVars(dev, grid)
Returns the vars for forced two-dimensional turbulence on device dev and with
grid g.
function ForcedVars(dev::Dev, g::AbstractGrid{T}) where {Dev, T}
@devzeros Dev T (g.nx, g.ny) zeta u v
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (g.nkr, zetah uh vh Fh
Vars(zeta, u, v, zetah, uh, vh, Fh, nothing)
function ForcedVars(dev::Dev, grid::AbstractGrid) where Dev
T = eltype(grid)
@devzeros Dev T (grid.nx, grid.ny) zeta u v
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (grid.nkr, zetah uh vh Fh
return Vars(zeta, u, v, zetah, uh, vh, Fh, nothing)

StochasticForcedVars(dev, g)
StochasticForcedVars(dev, grid)
Returns the vars for stochastically forced two-dimensional turbulence on device
dev and with grid g.
dev and with grid grid.
function StochasticForcedVars(dev::Dev, g::AbstractGrid{T}) where {Dev, T}
@devzeros Dev T (g.nx, g.ny) zeta u v
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (g.nkr, zetah uh vh Fh prevsol
Vars(zeta, u, v, zetah, uh, vh, Fh, prevsol)
function StochasticForcedVars(dev::Dev, grid::AbstractGrid) where Dev
T = eltype(grid)
@devzeros Dev T (grid.nx, grid.ny) zeta u v
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (grid.nkr, zetah uh vh Fh prevsol
return Vars(zeta, u, v, zetah, uh, vh, Fh, prevsol)

Expand All @@ -152,50 +155,50 @@ end
# -------

calcN_advection(N, sol, t, cl, v, p, g)
calcN_advection(N, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
Calculates the advection term.
function calcN_advection!(N, sol, t, cl, v, p, g)
@. v.uh = im * g.l * g.invKrsq * sol
@. v.vh = - im * * g.invKrsq * sol
@. v.zetah = sol
function calcN_advection!(N, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
@. vars.uh = im * grid.l * grid.invKrsq * sol
@. vars.vh = - im * * grid.invKrsq * sol
@. vars.zetah = sol

ldiv!(v.u, g.rfftplan, v.uh)
ldiv!(v.v, g.rfftplan, v.vh)
ldiv!(v.zeta, g.rfftplan, v.zetah)
ldiv!(vars.u, grid.rfftplan, vars.uh)
ldiv!(vars.v, grid.rfftplan, vars.vh)
ldiv!(vars.zeta, grid.rfftplan, vars.zetah)

@. v.u *= v.zeta # u*zeta
@. v.v *= v.zeta # v*zeta
@. vars.u *= vars.zeta # u*zeta
@. vars.v *= vars.zeta # v*zeta

mul!(v.uh, g.rfftplan, v.u) # \hat{u*zeta}
mul!(v.vh, g.rfftplan, v.v) # \hat{v*zeta}
mul!(vars.uh, grid.rfftplan, vars.u) # \hat{u*zeta}
mul!(vars.vh, grid.rfftplan, vars.v) # \hat{v*zeta}

@. N = - im**v.uh - im*g.l*v.vh
@. N = - im * * vars.uh - im * grid.l * vars.vh
return nothing

function calcN!(N, sol, t, cl, v, p, g)
calcN_advection!(N, sol, t, cl, v, p, g)
addforcing!(N, sol, t, cl, v, p, g)
function calcN!(N, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
calcN_advection!(N, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
addforcing!(N, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
return nothing

addforcing!(N, sol, t, cl, v::Vars, p, g) = nothing
addforcing!(N, sol, t, clock, vars::Vars, params, grid) = nothing

function addforcing!(N, sol, t, cl, v::ForcedVars, p, g)
p.calcF!(v.Fh, sol, t, cl, v, p, g)
@. N += v.Fh
function addforcing!(N, sol, t, clock, vars::ForcedVars, params, grid)
params.calcF!(vars.Fh, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
@. N += vars.Fh
return nothing

function addforcing!(N, sol, t, cl, v::StochasticForcedVars, p, g)
if t == cl.t # not a substep
@. v.prevsol = sol # sol at previous time-step is needed to compute budgets for stochastic forcing
p.calcF!(v.Fh, sol, t, cl, v, p, g)
function addforcing!(N, sol, t, clock, vars::StochasticForcedVars, params, grid)
if t == clock.t # not a substep
@. vars.prevsol = sol # sol at previous time-step is needed to compute budgets for stochastic forcing
params.calcF!(vars.Fh, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
@. N += v.Fh
@. N += vars.Fh
return nothing

Expand All @@ -206,31 +209,31 @@ end
Update the vars in v on the grid g with the solution in sol.
Update variables in `vars` with solution in `sol`.
function updatevars!(prob)
v, g, sol = prob.vars, prob.grid, prob.sol
@. v.zetah = sol
@. v.uh = im * g.l * g.invKrsq * sol
@. v.vh = - im * * g.invKrsq * sol
ldiv!(v.zeta, g.rfftplan, deepcopy(v.zetah))
ldiv!(v.u, g.rfftplan, deepcopy(v.uh))
ldiv!(v.v, g.rfftplan, deepcopy(v.vh))
vars, grid, sol = prob.vars, prob.grid, prob.sol
@. vars.zetah = sol
@. vars.uh = im * grid.l * grid.invKrsq * sol
@. vars.vh = - im * * grid.invKrsq * sol
ldiv!(vars.zeta, grid.rfftplan, deepcopy(vars.zetah))
ldiv!(vars.u, grid.rfftplan, deepcopy(vars.uh))
ldiv!(vars.v, grid.rfftplan, deepcopy(vars.vh))
return nothing

set_zeta!(prob, zeta)
Set the solution sol as the transform of zeta and update variables v
on the grid g.
on the grid grid.
function set_zeta!(prob, zeta)
p, v, g, sol = prob.params, prob.vars, prob.grid, prob.sol
mul!(sol, g.rfftplan, zeta)
params, vars, grid, sol = prob.params, prob.vars, prob.grid, prob.sol
mul!(sol, grid.rfftplan, zeta)
sol[1, 1] = 0 # zero domain average
return nothing

Expand All @@ -240,9 +243,9 @@ Returns the domain-averaged kinetic energy in the Fourier-transformed vorticity
solution `sol`.
@inline function energy(prob)
sol, v, g = prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.grid
@. v.uh = g.invKrsq * abs2(sol)
1/(2*g.Lx*g.Ly)*parsevalsum(v.uh, g)
sol, vars, grid = prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.grid
@. vars.uh = grid.invKrsq * abs2(sol)
return 1 / (2 * grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

Expand All @@ -252,8 +255,8 @@ Returns the domain-averaged enstrophy in the Fourier-transformed vorticity
solution `sol`.
@inline function enstrophy(prob)
sol, g = prob.sol, prob.grid
1/(2*g.Lx*g.Ly)*parsevalsum2(sol, g)
sol, grid = prob.sol, prob.grid
return 1 / (2 * grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(abs2.(sol), grid)

Expand All @@ -262,27 +265,27 @@ end
Returns the domain-averaged dissipation rate. nν must be >= 1.
@inline function dissipation(prob)
sol, v, p, g = prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid
@. v.uh = g.Krsq^(p.-1) * abs2(sol)
v.uh[1, 1] = 0
p.ν/(g.Lx*g.Ly)*parsevalsum(v.uh, g)
sol, vars, params, grid = prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid
@. vars.uh = grid.Krsq^(params.-1) * abs2(sol)
vars.uh[1, 1] = 0
return params.ν / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

work(sol, v, g)
work(sol, v, grid)
Returns the domain-averaged rate of work of energy by the forcing Fh.
@inline function work(sol, v::ForcedVars, g)
@. v.uh = g.invKrsq * sol * conj(v.Fh)
1/(g.Lx*g.Ly)*parsevalsum(v.uh, g)
@inline function work(sol, vars::ForcedVars, grid)
@. vars.uh = grid.invKrsq * sol * conj(vars.Fh)
return 1 / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

@inline function work(sol, v::StochasticForcedVars, g)
@. v.uh = g.invKrsq * (v.prevsol + sol)/2 * conj(v.Fh) # Stratonovich
# @. v.uh = g.invKrsq * v.prevsol * conj(v.Fh) # Ito
1/(g.Lx*g.Ly)*parsevalsum(v.uh, g)
@inline function work(sol, vars::StochasticForcedVars, grid)
@. vars.uh = grid.invKrsq * (vars.prevsol + sol) / 2 * conj(vars.Fh) # Stratonovich
# @. vars.uh = grid.invKrsq * vars.prevsol * conj(vars.Fh) # Ito
return 1 / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

@inline work(prob) = work(prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.grid)
Expand All @@ -293,10 +296,10 @@ end
Returns the extraction of domain-averaged energy by drag/hypodrag μ.
@inline function drag(prob)
sol, v, p, g = prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid
@. v.uh = g.Krsq^(p.-1) * abs2(sol)
v.uh[1, 1] = 0
p.μ/(g.Lx*g.Ly)*parsevalsum(v.uh, g)
sol, vars, params, grid = prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid
@. vars.uh = grid.Krsq^(params.-1) * abs2(sol)
vars.uh[1, 1] = 0
return params.μ / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

end # module

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