Abertay University - 2nd year module
Learn skills and techniques associated with 3D graphics, applying this knowledge to develop 3D applications using OpenGL, increasing abilities as a C++ programmer.
- Intro to 3D Graphics
- Transformation (Matrices in 3D Graphics, Model Matrix) + Hierarchical modelling (Matrix Stack)
- Lighting (Real world & real-time 3d graphics)
- Flat shading, Gouraud Shading & Phong Shading.
- Directional Ligth, Spot Light, Point Light
- Animating and Controlling lights
- Materials
- Specular Lighting
- Light Attenuation
- Texturing (Loading, Appling, Enabling Texture mapping, Calculating UVs, Drawing and implementing in OpenGL)
- Camera (Projection Transformation, Types of camera, Camera control)
- Depth Buffer + Transparency
- Rasterisation
- Depth Sorting
- Z-Buffer
- Skybox
- Aplha blending (transparency)
- Vertex arrays + procedural generation shape
- Model loading
- Stencil buffer (Reflection)
- Shadows (Pre-calculated and real-time)
- Shadow Impostor
- Planar Projection Shadows
- Stencil Buffer in Projected shadows
- Shadow Volumen or Stencil Shadowing (Depth Pass, Depth Fail and Exclusive-or)
- Shadow Mapping
- Weekly submitions as part of the lab work for each topic
- Final Project at the end of the semester (own construction)
3D Graphics Scene using OpenGL Includes all the diferent types of cameras, dynamic ligh, real-time shadows, reflection and the rendering of different geometries using triangles with optimized number of vertices and also rendering models. Each class contains a description in a comment at the begining, includying the author and/or by who has been modified and what it does. Made for Windows DirectX
To switch between different cameras press from 1 to 8.
- Middle Front Movable Camera (default)
- Right Front Security Camera
- Right Back Security Camera
- Middle Back Security Camera
- Left Back Security Camera
- Top Fixed Camera
- Spaceship 1 view camera
- Spaceship 2 view camera
WARNING - Project may need re-targeted to compile. Check the version of the Windows SDK.