Packages we are using:
- charts_flutter: link
- google_fonts: link
- mvc_pattern: link
- flutter_svg: link
- provider: link
- fl_chart: link
- bloc: link
- Poppins link
The Technical University of Manabí requires a management system for the health data of its work staff, in the same way, it requires a systematic means for their analysis, therefore, the institution together with its main authorities does not They cannot carry out continuous and exhaustive monitoring of the health status of their workers, nor can they take adequate measures in favor of the medical well-being of each particular health case, since, lacking a tool that provides them with exact data based on filters or predictive systems, it is difficult for them to carry out this control.
The main dashboard of the developed health system has six different sections
Main Dashboard | Average ICM |
Patient details | Medical appointment history |
Medical appointment details | Medical appointment details |
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ✨
Freddy Murillo 🐛 |
Joel Garcia 🐛 |
Michael García 🐛 |