I'm Frédrik Calvet, Master's student in ALGO
- Age : 21
- Nationality : 🇫🇷
- Hobbies : Mathematics, Car Racing and Chess
- Python (tkinter, SageMath, numpy, matplotlib)
- Java (For OOP purposes)
- C++ (For efficient linear algebra library)
- Ocaml
- Telemetry Application for EA F1 24 game : This python made project parses binary datas received from the game to create an application giving useful time-live information to the driver. I started this project on F1 22, and kept updating it everytime I needed a new feature
- Steering wheel replication for EA F1 24 game : Another tool created in Python to help race engineer to follow their drivers during an online race. It simply replicates the steering wheel that the driver sees in-game, with all the informations that comes with it
- Chess game post-analysis : The post game analysis tool on chess.com is great, but you have access to it only once a day, so I decided to create my own, which looks like chess.com's one a lot
- ...
- Email: calvetfredrik@gmail.com