A collection of Linux nagios plugins written in shell
Copyright (c) 2019 Frostbyte frostbytegr@gmail.com
- github.com/hugme - sample code for linux nagios checks
- devel@nagios-plugins.org - plugin development guidelines
- Output includes perfdata
- Any warning and critical thresholds may be fully or partially omitted
- Anything that has not been explicitly specified will be disabled
- No extra packages or external programs are required for operation
- check_cpu [-w util_warn_threshold] [-c util_warn_threshold]
- example: check_cpu -w 80 -c 90
- check_cputemp [-w temp_warn_threshold] [-c temp_warn_threshold]
- example: check_cputemp -w 65 -c 70
- NOTE: Does not support negative threshold values
- check_memory [-w util_warn_threshold] [-c util_warn_threshold] [-u friendly_unit] [-n]
- friendly units: K=Kilobytes, M=Megabytes, G=Gigabytes, T=Terabytes
- example: check_memory -w 80 -c 90 -u M
- NOTE: Cached memory and buffers will not be included in system's free memory when calculating utilization, with the -n argument
- check_uptime
- NOTE: Does not support warning/critical states