Python Code Sample to showcase programming knowledge for job a interview.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Python Version
python 3.6.8
I have a requirements.txt to install dependencies needed. Run as sudo or add --user to install depending on how you want to install them
pip install pybuilder
After cloning repository run pybuilder to install dependencies
pyb install_dependencies
Then run pybuilder to install. This will build and install in target/
To clean up you can run this
pyb clean
Which will delete the target directory and build files
To run, after you run pyb to build head to the dist dicrectory and run it.
cd target/dist/codeSample-1.0.dev0
The code loads in a mod.txt and savedUsers.txt files and then prompts you to login as a mod. To login, enter root and the password for this mod is test123.
Then you are shown a list of commands to run that look like this...
Login successful
What would you like to do?
C - Create new user
D - Delete user
S - Save users
Q - Quit program
Choices are:
- Create New User - This will prompt you for input to create a new user
- Delete user - This will display all users and ask which one you want to delete based on an ID number
- Save users - This saves the current users to a text file by updating/overwriting it.
- Quit program - Quits the program.
- Python 3.6.8 - Python 3 Core
- Pybuilder - Pybuilder python project build and test
- Wes Forman - Author
This project is licensed under the MIT License