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Implementation of Constraint Handler

Huayao edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 1 revision

How to Implement a Constraint Handler

In order to implement a new constraint handler in CCAG, you need to create a class that implements the ConstraintHandler interface.

public interface ConstraintHandler {
  // the set of supported constraint handlers
  enum Handlers {
    Verify, Solver, Replace, Tolerate

   * The process executed before test suite generation.
   * @param model the test model of CT
  void pre(CTModel model);

   * The process executed after test suite generation.
   * @param model the test model of CT
   * @param ts the generated test suite
  void post(CTModel model, TestSuite ts);

   * Determine whether a given complete or partial test case is constraints
   * satisfying. Any unfixed parameter should be assigned to value -1.
   * @param test a complete or partial test case
   * @return validity of the test case
  boolean isValid(final int[] test);

   * Calculate the number of violations in the candidate solution. Any unfixed
   * parameter should be assigned to value -1.
   * @param test a complete or partial test case
   * @return number of constraints violations
  long penaltyTerm(final int[] test);

Specifically, the pre() and post() are the two methods that will be executed before and after test suite generation (namely, before and after invoking the process() method of CAGenerator), respectively. While the isValid() and penaltyTerm() are the methods that will be used to deal with constraints during test suite generation (namely, in the process() method).

Verify Solver Tolerate Replace
pre Calculate MFTs Initialise a SAT Solver Calculate MFTs Calculate MFTs
isValid Check against MFTs Solve a constraint satisfaction problem True True
penaltyTerm Zero Zero Calculate based on MFTs Zero
post None None None Replace invalid test cases

We have implemented four constraint handlers, including Verify, Solver, Replace, and Tolerate, in CCAG as off-the-shelf choices. The concrete methods implemented in these four constraint handlers are shown in the above table.