A Java application for researching Earth's atmosphere using public data released by NASA and NOAA.
This application may be used by the researcher to interpret data, or to graph important elements of the atmosphere as well as average temperature.
Here are some common examples of how this program can be used:
System.out.println(CarbonDioxide.getAvgRateOfChange(1980, 2000));
The program may be used to generate JSON that in turn may be used by a javascript application.
CarbonDioxide.generateJSONFileFutureValues(CarbonDioxide.getAvgRateOfChange(year - 2, year - 1));
To compile this program, install the Java JDK
The default Main function generates JSON files for the Javascript application, it may be changed to suit your research. Download this repository and unzip the files to their own folder; then, open a terminal and navigate to the folder. Compile and run the Main function with the following commands.
javac Main.java
java Main
In order to run the Javascript application, an Apache web server can be setup and installed relatively easily on your local Linux, Mac, or Windows system.
Linux Instructions Mac Instructions Windows Instructions
Once the apache webserver is installed and running, use your browser to navigate to Once the test page is showing "It works!", simply copy all files from the project's "Site" folder and paste them into the Apache's "htdocs" folder, overwriting the "Index.html" file.