Project - Schelling's Model of Segregation
Use our app and try to create a multiracial community fully happy! 🌎
- 102181, Guilherme Rodrigues
- 98797, Tiago Silva
- Python file that contains a simple Schelling
- Python file to load/generate a "user-friendly" interface where its possible to define every variable and see live the model changing as well as the "Mean Similarity Ratio" graph
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Open a terminal and install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the Schelling Segregation Model Simulation (Visual Interface)
streamlit run .\
- Run the Schelling Segregation Model Simulation (Terminal)
python3 .\
This method runs the Schelling simulation for one iteration. For each agent in the community, we check if the agent is happy. If the agent isnot happy, it will be moved to an empty slot.
def road_to_happiness(self):
number_unhappy = 0
for (width, height), race in np.ndenumerate(
if not self.is_empty(race=race):
if not self.is_happy(width, height):
number_unhappy += 1
self.move_to_empty_space(width, height)
if number_unhappy == 0:
This method returns the agent neighbourhood based on the neighbour_depth, including himself.
def get_neighbourhood(self, w ,h ):
x_min = w - self.neighbour_depth if w - self.neighbour_depth > 0 else 0
x_max = w + self.neighbour_depth + 1 if w + self.neighbour_depth < self.width else self.width
y_min = h - self.neighbour_depth if h - self.neighbour_depth > 0 else 0
y_max = h + self.neighbour_depth + 1 if h + self.neighbour_depth < self.height else self.height
neighbourhood =[x_min:x_max , y_min:y_max]
return neighbourhood
The is_happy method checks the ratio of neighbors of similar race, and returns True if the ratio is above the similarity threshold, otherwise it returns False
def is_happy(self, w , h ):
neighbourhood = self.get_neighbourhood(w ,h)
nr_elemts_race = np.count_nonzero(neighbourhood == self.get_race(w ,h)) - 1
nr_elemts_race = nr_elemts_race if nr_elemts_race > 0 else 0
nr_no_neighbour = np.count_nonzero(neighbourhood == 0)
nr_neighbours = np.size(neighbourhood) - nr_no_neighbour - 1
if nr_neighbours == 0:
return True
happiness = nr_elemts_race/nr_neighbours
if happiness < self.similarity_threshold:
return False
return True
This method moves the agent at (width, height) to an empty slot.
def move_to_empty_space(self, width, height):
current_race = self.get_race(width, height)
empty_pos_list = []
for (w, h), race in np.ndenumerate(
if self.is_empty(race=race):
random_empty = random.choice(empty_pos_list)[random_empty] = current_race[width,height] = 0
This method computes the average similarity ratio of the entire community. Its used to draw the graph.
def get_mean_similarity_ratio(self):
total_elem_race = 0
similarity_ratio = 0
for (w, h), race in np.ndenumerate(
if not self.is_empty(race=race):
neighborhood = self.get_neighbourhood(w, h)
neighborhood_size = np.size(neighborhood) -1
nr_empty_neighbors = np.count_nonzero(neighborhood == 0)
if neighborhood_size != nr_empty_neighbors: # If there is neighbours
n_similar = np.count_nonzero(neighborhood == self.get_race(w ,h)) - 1
similarity_ratio += n_similar / (neighborhood_size - nr_empty_neighbors)
total_elem_race += 1
return similarity_ratio / total_elem_race if total_elem_race > 0 else 0
Visual Interface
Example of a Run
- Number of Race: number of races ranged from 1 to 4;
- Population Size: number of rows or columns. it will be a square grid (rows * columns) in the board;
- Similarity Threshold: number between 0.0 and 1.0; this number defines how easily is to make the community the happy
- Neighbourhood Depth: neighbourhood radius of each individual ranged from 1 to 5;
- Number of Iterations: number of iterations ranged from 10 to 500;
- Empty Slots Ratio: number between 0.1 and 0.9 that defines the empty spaces' ratio;
- Races Ratios (X-Z): number between 0.0 and 1.0 that defines the races' ratios;
The Run Simulation button starts the simulation, and runs for the number of iterations or until the community is fully happy;
Main Dependencies:
- Streamlit
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- McCown, F. Schelling’s Model of Segregation. 2014 [Link] (
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- Liu T. Y. The Schelling Model of Segregation: Static and Dynamic Equilibrium 23-28 Marc¸o 2021 [Link] (
- Moujahid A. An Introduction to Agent-based Models: Simulating Segregation with Python. 2014 [Link] (
- Moujahid A. An Introduction to Agent-based Models: Simulating Segregation with Python. 2020 [Link] (
- McCown, F. Schelling’s Model of Segregation. 2014 [Link] (
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