GSEWidgets is a package that makes use of Qt6 to create some easy to use and define widgets. This is achieved by combining the functionality of PyQt6 and qtpy libraries. Most of the custom widgets are created to be used with specific applications developed for GSECARS.
GSEWidgets requires the use of Python 3.10 or higher. In some cases lower versions are also accepted, but version 3.10 is recommended for best compatibility. See the full requirements list for the GSEWidgets package.
To install from PyPI use:
pip install gsewidgets
To install from source first download the project from the package releases or use:
git clone
Move into the project directory:
cd GSEWidgets
Install using pip:
pip install .
- Python >= 3.10
- PyQt6 >= 6.4.0
- qtpy >= 2.2.1
- ErrorMessageBox
- VerticalLine
- HorizontalLine
- Label
- FlatButton
- FileBrowserButton
- DirectoryBrowserButton
- ColorDialogButton
- NumericSpinBox
- NoWheelNumericSpinBox
- InputBox
- FilePathInputBox
- FileNameInputBox
- FullComboBox
- CheckBox
- ToggleCheckBox
- XYZCollectionPointsTable
Here is a screenshot with an example application, one using custom styles in .qss files.
The example application is also packaged and can be used after the installation. See below:
from gsewidgets.examples import app
GSEWidgets is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Christofanis Skordas - Last updated: 25-Oct-2022