Image search is an online portal and Web-based services that collect and indexes thousands of images available on the Internet and tagged with specific keywords.
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Imsea | Free image search | No | Yes | Unknown |
Lorem Picsum | Images from Unsplash | No | Yes | Unknown |
The user will open the Image Search website, then the user will see an input which take a specific keyword to search, if he search about specific keyword will see all the images which related with.
- As a user, I want to be able to search of any specific keywords.
- As a user, I want to be able to see all images that related with specific keyword.
- HTML → to build the structure of the pages.
- CSS → to style the application.
- JS & DOM Manipulations → to create interaction between the page and the user.
- Node → to build the server side.
- Use APIs
- Postman website link → to check the APIs.
cd ImageSearch
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