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🚧 Ecojourney is an eco-design website audit tool focused on best practices over scoring


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Ecojourney is an eco-design website audit tool focused on best practices over scoring.

🚧 Ecojourney is in alpha stage 🚧

Everything is experimental and may change significantly at any time.

The NPM package hasn't been published yet, but it can be installed from the tarball generated by the build job. Download and extract the file, then run:

npm i -g ecojourney-X.Y.Z.tgz


Ecojourney analyses a browsing scenario on a web application, collecting metrics and issues about eco-design best practices.

It is made to help developers improve their web application by highlighting issues to fix in order to reduce its environmental impact, primarily on end-user devices and network infrastructures. But this is not enough to affirm that a web application is environmental friendly: an Ecojourney audit should be completed by automated and manual source code analysis, server-side application analysis (e.g. energy consumption metrology with Scaphandre), and should come after a rigorous UX design process (to focus on simple and useful features), Life-Cycle Assessments (ISO 14040 & 14044), and more.

Under the hood, this tool is built to be modular, extensible (coming soon!), and it uses a carefully selected small set of NPM dependencies (8, including transitive ones). Playwright is the main one, enabling cross-browser web automation, device emulation, proxy support and more.

Ecojourney is inspired by these tools, sharing several similarities, but trying to bring different features and/or various improvements:

  • Lighthouse, but focuses on eco-design (even if there's some overlap with performance) and allows to analyse multiple pages and complex scenarios with a single run,
  • GreenIT Analysis (CLI), but focuses on best practices over scoring and with a more refined API and tooling,
  • EcoIndex, but focuses on best practices over scoring, with more metrics and bundled as a CLI tool instead of a web service.

Quick start

πŸ’» Make sure your computer meets the following requirements:

πŸ“¦ Install using npm:

npm i -g ecojourney

🌐 Audit a single URL:

ecojourney audit

πŸ“„ Initialise a manifest file and run it:

ecojourney init mywebsite.yml
ecojourney audit mywebsite.yml


Ecojourney is published as an NPM package and can be installed in various ways as long as Node.js and your favorite package manager are installed on your workstation.

Install and run globally:

npm i ecojourney -g
ecojourney [command]

Install and run globally, using npx:

npx ecojourney [command]

Install as a dev dependency of your Node.js project (recommended):

cd my-project/
npm i ecojourney -D
  • Run locally:
npx ecojourney [command]
  • Run locally, using a dedicated script in your package.json file:
  "scripts": {
    "ecojourney": "ecojourney audit ecojourney.yml"
npm run ecojourney


Initialise a manifest YAML file:

ecojourney init mywebsite.yml

Edit file content:

  • Define the browsing scenario to audit
  • Customise the configuration: browser, device, report formats, proxy, ...

Run the audit:

ecojourney audit mywebsite.yml

Some configuration options can be overridden from the CLI or environment variables:

ecojourney audit mywebsite.yml --dry-run


Ecojourney commands can be executed from a terminal:

ecojourney [options] [command]

Global options

Flags Description Environment variable
-V, --version Output the version number
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output ECOJOURNEY_VERBOSE
-h, --help Display help for command


Name Usage Description
audit [options] <path> Audit a website eco-design compliance
init [options] [path] Initialise a manifest file interactively


Audit a website eco-design compliance.

ecojourney audit [options] <path>


Name Description Required
path Path to the audit manifest file or website page URL β˜‘οΈ


Flags Description Default Environment variable
-b, --browser [browser] Browser to run the audit with chromium ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_BROWSER
-l, --headless [headless] Run browser in headless mode true ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_HEADLESS
-d, --device [device] Simulate browser behavior for a specific device (e.g. Galaxy S8) ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_DEVICE
-H, --header [headers...] Additional HTTP headers to be sent with every request ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_HEADERS
-t, --timeout [timeout] Maximum time to wait for navigations or actions, in milliseconds ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_TIMEOUT
-r, --retry [retry] Number of retries in case of failure 0 ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_RETRY
-o, --output [output] Directory to write reports to . ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_OUTPUT
-f, --format [formats...] Output report formats html,json ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_FORMAT
-s, --dry-run Simulate the audit without actually running the browser false ECOJOURNEY_AUDIT_DRY_RUN
-h, --help Display help for command


Initialise a manifest file interactively.

ecojourney init [options] [path]


Name Description Required
path Path to the audit manifest file to generate πŸ”²


Flags Description Default Environment variable
-h, --help Display help for command


The manifest file allows to describe the audit scenario and configuration.

It can be easily and interactively initialised using the init command. A JSON schema is also provided to enable code completion and validation in your IDE (using built-in JSON schema support for YAML files or via an extension).


# Audited website description
name: My website
description: A website that must comply with eco-design best practices

# Audit configuration (merged with CLI flags and environment variables)
config: ...

# Procedures allow to define reusable sequences of actions
procedures: ...

# Actions allow to define the browsing scenario to run and audit
  # Start a scenario (allows to group page audit results)
  - scenario: Browse blog posts
  # Navigate to the posts index page
  - goto:
  - wait: main.posts
  # Analyse the current page (including the previous navigation actions)
  - page: Posts index
  # Take a screenshot of the current page
  - screenshot: posts-index.png
  # Navigate to and audit the post page
  - click:
  - wait:
  - page: Post
  - screenshot: posts-single.png


Some properties support injecting environment variables and procedure arguments using the double curly braces {{ and }} as delimiters. This is particularly useful to avoid committing sensitive values such as user passwords.


# Fill a password input using a value set from an environment variable
- fill: { selector: "#password", value: "{{ env.PASSWORD }}" }


name: My website
description: A website that must comply with eco-design best practices
Name Description Required
name Name of the web application πŸ”²
description Description of the web application or of the current test πŸ”²
url Main/root URL of the web application β˜‘οΈ


Audit configuration (merged with CLI flags and environment variables)

  browser: "chromium"
  headless: true
  device: "Galaxy S8"
  headers: {"X-User":"user"}
    server: ""
    bypass: ".com,,"
    username: "username"
    password: "password"
  timeout: 10000
  retries: 3
  output: "./reports/"
  formats: ["html"]
    url: "http://localhost:8086"
    token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    org: "my-org"
    bucket: "my-bucket"
    prefix: "eco_"
  dryRun: true
  verbose: true
Name Description Type Default Values
browser Browser to run the audit with string chromium msedge, chrome, chromium, firefox, webkit
headless Run browser in headless mode boolean true
device Simulate browser behavior for a specific device string
headers Additional HTTP headers to be sent with every request object
proxy Network proxy settings object
∟ server Proxy to be used for all requests string
∟ bypass Comma-separated domains to bypass proxy string
∟ username Username to use if HTTP proxy requires authentication string
∟ password Password to use if HTTP proxy requires authentication string
timeout Maximum time to wait for navigations or actions, in milliseconds integer
retries Number of retries in case of failure integer 0
output Directory to write reports to string .
formats Output report formats array html,json html, json, influxdb
influxdb InfluxDB connection configuration object
∟ url Base URL string
∟ token Authentication token string
∟ org Destination organisation for writes string
∟ bucket Destination bucket for writes string
∟ prefix Measurement name prefix string ecojourney_
dryRun Simulate the audit without actually running the browser boolean false
verbose Enable verbose output boolean false


Actions allow to define the browsing scenario to run and audit.

  # Abbreviated syntax
  - <name>: <value1>, <value2>
  # Explicit syntax
  - <name>:
      <property1>: <value1>
      <property2>: <value2>

Check or uncheck a checkbox or a radio button.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the selector to use when resolving the DOM element and the state to set (check or uncheck, default to check)

- check: "input[name='remember'], check"

Explicit syntax

- check:
    selector: "input[name='remember']"
    state: "check"
Property Type Description Required
selector string The selector to use when resolving the DOM element β˜‘οΈ
state string The state to set (check or uncheck, default to check) πŸ”²

Click on an element.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the selector to use when resolving the DOM element

- click: "button[type='submit']"

Explicit syntax

- click:
    selector: "button[type='submit']"
Property Type Description Required
selector string The selector to use when resolving the DOM element β˜‘οΈ

Fill an input or a textarea with a text.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the selector to use when resolving the DOM element and the value to set (supports templating)

- fill: "#search, Eco-design"

Explicit syntax

- fill:
    selector: "#search"
    value: "Eco-design"
Property Type Description Required
selector string The selector to use when resolving the DOM element (supports templating) β˜‘οΈ
value string The value to set (supports templating) β˜‘οΈ

Navigate to the given URL.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the target HTTP/HTTPS URL (supports templating)

- goto: ""

Explicit syntax

- goto:
    url: ""
Property Type Description Required
url string The target HTTP/HTTPS URL (supports templating) β˜‘οΈ

Mark the current state as a stable page to analyse.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the page name

- page: "Profile page"

Explicit syntax

- page:
    name: "Profile page"
Property Type Description Required
name string The page name β˜‘οΈ

Execute actions from a procedure.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the procedure name

- procedure: "login"

Explicit syntax

- procedure:
    name: "login"
    args: {"username":"admin"}
Property Type Description Required
name string The procedure name β˜‘οΈ
args object Procedure arguments πŸ”²

Start a scenario (allows to group page audit results).

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the scenario name

- scenario: "Browse my profile"

Explicit syntax

- scenario:
    name: "Browse my profile"
    newContext: false
    exclude: false
Property Type Description Required
name string The scenario name β˜‘οΈ
newContext boolean Close the current context and create a new one πŸ”²
exclude boolean Exclude this scenario from analysis (only run actions) πŸ”²

Take a screenshot of the current page.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the file path to save the image to

- screenshot: "posts.png"

Explicit syntax

- screenshot:
    path: "posts.png"
Property Type Description Required
path string The file path to save the image to β˜‘οΈ

Scroll an element into view.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the selector to use when resolving the DOM element

- scroll: "#footer"

Explicit syntax

- scroll:
    selector: "#footer"
Property Type Description Required
selector string The selector to use when resolving the DOM element β˜‘οΈ

Select option or options in select.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the selector to use when resolving the DOM element and option(s) to select

- select: "select[name='lang'], fr"

Explicit syntax

- select:
    selector: "select[name='lang']"
    value: "fr"
    values: ["fr","en"]
Property Type Description Required
selector string The selector to use when resolving the DOM element β˜‘οΈ
value string The option to select πŸ”˜
values array Options to select πŸ”˜

Select input files for upload.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the selector to use when resolving the DOM element and input file(s) to set

- upload: "input[name='file'], myfile.txt"

Explicit syntax

- upload:
    selector: "select[name='lang']"
    file: "myfile.txt"
    files: ["myfile1.txt","myfile2.txt"]
Property Type Description Required
selector string The selector to use when resolving the DOM element β˜‘οΈ
file string The input file to set πŸ”˜
files array Input files to set πŸ”˜

Wait for the required load state to be reached or for an element to be visible.

Abbreviated syntax

Argument: the load state to wait for (load, domcontentloaded, networkidle)

- wait: "load"

Argument: the selector to use when resolving the DOM element

- wait: "main#container"

Explicit syntax

- wait:
    state: "load"
    selector: "main#container"
Property Type Description Required
state string The load state to wait for πŸ”˜
selector string The selector to use when resolving the DOM element πŸ”˜


Procedures allow to define reusable sequences of actions.

Define a procedure with a unique name under the procedures key:

  # Log a user in using the login form page
    - page: "Login page for {{ args.username }}"
    - fill: { selector: "#username", value: "{{ args.username }}" }
    - fill: { selector: "#password", value: "{{ args.password }}" }
    - click: button[type="submit"]

Call it from the browsing scenario using the procedure action:

  - ...
  - procedure:
      name: login
      args: { username: user, password: "{{ env.USER_PASSWORD }}" }
  - ...


Audit results can be exported using various report formats that can be specified using the formats CLI flag, environment variable or manifest configuration key.


Export analysis results to an HTML report file.

➑️ Recommended for simple analysis result visualisation


Export analysis results to a JSON report file.

➑️ Recommended for further data analysis and visualisation


Write analysis results to an InfluxDB time-series database via 2 measurements:

  • {prefix}issues: number of issues by severity for each audit, scenario and page, with analysis duration
  • {prefix}measure: main metrics for each audit, scenario and page

Published data is more or less the same as the data visible on the HTML report without opening collapsible elements, thus, some data (issues list, secondary measures, rules and metrics list, etc.) are not written because they doesn't fit well in a TSDB or are not relevant enough to be worth tracking on a dashboard.

➑️ Recommended to keep track of analysis results over time on a Grafana dashboard

βœ”οΈ Don't forget to set a retention time for the target bucket to enable automatic deletion of old data.

Continuous Integration

Audits can be executed in CI environments:

  1. Use the Playwright Docker image in a Linux agent:
Provider Configuration key
GitHub Actions jobs.<job_id>.container
GitLab <job_id>.image
Azure Pipelines container or jobs[*].container
  1. Install project dependencies, including Ecojourney:
npm ci
  1. Run the audit:
npx ecojourney audit [...]

βœ”οΈ Best practices:

  • Running the audit on each commit is usually wasteful, it should preferably be executed manually or on specific events (main branch, release, ...)
  • Don't forget to cache dependencies (Docker image, node_modules / NPM cache, ...)


Each page from the browsing scenario is analysed by a list of analysers, each one collecting metrics and identifying issues regarding eco-design best practices.

Cache (cache)

Check cache headers


Id Name Description
configure-cache-headers Configure cache headers Configure cache headers on static resources to enable HTTP caching (Cache-Control with a large max-age, ETag and Last-Modified)

Compression (compression)

Check compression


Id Name Description
compressible-requests-count Compressible requests The number of requests that should be served compressed


Id Name Description
enable-compression Enable compression Configure HTTP compression to improve transfer speed and bandwidth utilisation

Cookies (cookies)

Check cookies


Id Name Description
optimise-cookies Optimise cookies size Optimise cookies size and remove them when they are useless
no-cookie-for-static-resource No cookie for static resource Host static resource on a domain without cookie

Errors (errors)

Check for request and page errors


Id Name Description
failed-requests-count Failed requests The number of failed requests
errors-count Errors The number of page errors


Id Name Description
fix-error Fix error Fix code or request error as it consumes resources uselessly

Fonts (fonts)

Check for fonts


Id Name Description
external-fonts-count External fonts The number of external fonts
external-fonts-size External fonts size The total size of external fonts


Id Name Description
use-standard-fonts Use standard fonts Use fonts already pre-installed on user terminals to avoid additional downloads, or at least optimise external font

Global (global)

Global metrics calculation and analysis


Id Name Description
eco-index EcoIndex The EcoIndex
requests-count Requests The number of HTTP requests
responses-size Responses size The total size of HTTP responses
dom-elements-count DOM elements The number of DOM elements
greenhouse-gases-emission 🌫️ GhG emission The greenhouse gases emission
water-consumption πŸ’§ Water consumption The water consumption
redirections-count Redirections The number of HTTP redirections
domains-count Domains The number of domains


Id Name Description
reduce-requests-count Reduce requests count Reduce the number of requests
reduce-responses-size Reduce responses size Reduce the responses size
reduce-dom-size Reduce DOM size Reduce the page complexity (and thus the number of elements in the DOM)
avoid-redirections Avoid redirections Avoid redirections as they increase response time and resource consumption uselessly
limit-domains-count Limit domains count Limit the number of domains serving resources

Images (images)

Check images


Id Name Description
raster-images-count Raster images The number of raster images
raster-images-size Raster images size The total size of raster images
vector-images-count Vector images The number of vector images
vector-images-size Vector images size The total size of vector images


Id Name Description
optimise-image Optimise image Replace raster images with CSS, font glyphs or vector images when possible, otherwise use the right format (WebP, AVIF, PNG) and compression
optimise-vector-image Optimise vector image Optimise and minimise SVG images
serve-right-sized-image Serve right-sized image Serve pre-resized image instead of resizing browser-side
load-only-displayed-image Load only displayed image Load image only if it is displayed

Plugins (plugins)

Check plugins


Id Name Description
social-plugins-count Social plugins The number of social plugin requests


Id Name Description
avoid-social-plugin Avoid social plugin Social network official plugins are usually heavy and intrusive, replace them with basic links

Scripts (scripts)

Check scripts


Id Name Description
external-scripts-count External scripts The number of external scripts
external-scripts-size External scripts size The total size of external scripts
embedded-scripts-count Embedded scripts The number of embedded scripts
embedded-scripts-size Embedded scripts size The total size of embedded scripts


Id Name Description
externalise-script Externalise script Avoid embedding script into the HTML page as it would be transferred each time the page is requested
minify-script Minify script Reduce the size of the script by minifying JS code
reduce-scripts-count Reduce scripts count Reduce the number of scripts: combine them to reduce the number of requests
reduce-script-size Reduce script size Reduce the size of the script: use JS only when necessary, remove dead code using tree shaking, configure compression, ...

Style sheets (stylesheets)

Check style sheets


Id Name Description
external-styles-count External styles The number of external styles
external-styles-size External styles size The total size of external styles
embedded-styles-count Embedded styles The number of embedded styles
embedded-styles-size Embedded styles size The total size of embedded styles


Id Name Description
externalise-style Externalise style Avoid embedding style sheet into the HTML page as it would be transferred each time the page is requested
minify-style Minify style Reduce the size of the style sheet by minifying CSS code
provide-print-style Provide print style Optimise styles for printing
reduce-styles-count Reduce styles count Reduce the number of style sheets to reduce the number of requests
reduce-style-size Reduce style size Reduce the size of the style sheet: optimise CSS, remove unused styles, configure compression, ...


Ecojourney is licensed under the GNU General Public License.


🚧 Ecojourney is an eco-design website audit tool focused on best practices over scoring








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