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As a member from the FT-Web12, we are almost on the verge of completion of the 5th unit and it was during the final week which is depicted as the construct week in Masai Bootcamp where the students as a group of 4 build the clone of any major website and the one allotted for my team was “”.
- VS Code
- Clone the repository
git clone
The main Contributors for this project are
- Gajanan Wattamwar
- Deepak Saini
- Nitin Gupta
- Rahul Goyal
- Webpack & Babel
- React
- State Props
- State Management
- Use Ref, Forms & Event Handling
- Use Effect
- Styled UI
- Context API
- Routing
- Redux
- Store Dispatch Reducer in Redux
- Signin/signup page:-
- Home page:-
- Course Page:-
- Subscription Page:-
- Tutor Page:-
- Payment Page :-
- After Payment:-
- The Signin/Signup & Explore/Course page is done by Deepak.
- Home Page & Live page is done by Gajanan.
- Tutor page done by Nitin
- Product Page done by Rahul.
We had faced a lot of issues in cloning the website. First of all we were not used to reading the code of other people. There we faced some issues. We also sometimes had to fix some issues related to merging our code through github.
- We all became proficient in reading the code of team members.
- Our code writing style became cleaner as we had to think while writing code that other team member will be reading.
- We had to learn about many React properties that we didn’t know before.
- Our skills in Java Script and DOM manipulation became better.
- We all learned how to plan a project and execute that.