This is a Progressive Web App (PWA) built with React. It provides offline capabilities and can be installed locally on your device. I am learning PWA patterns to make web apps feel more like native apps using only web tools. So, this app is a kind of playground for me to apply learned PWA concepts.
- Offline support.
- Installable on desktop and mobile devices.
- Rich Text Editing support.
- Responsive design.
- React: For building the user interface.
- ViteJs: For bundling and static site generation.
- Service Worker: For caching assets on client side Offline Support.
- Tailwind CSS: For styling the application.
- IndexedDB: For storing notes offline.
- Vercel: For deployment.
Follow these instructions to get a copy of the project for running on your local machine.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd my-pwa-react-app
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
Here are some resources if you want to learn more about Progressive Web App design patterns: