- 📖 About the Project
- 💻 Getting Started
- 👥 Authors
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- 🙏 Acknowledgements
- ❓ FAQ
- 📝 License
URL SHORTENER is an application that that allows you to enter a long URL and receive a shortened version in return. It is convenient it looks streamlined in appearance. You can also create your custom endpoint.
Mainly Ruby on Rails with StimulusJS.
- It shortens long urls and returns a short one
- Users can create their custom endpoint (shortened url)
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
cd my-folder
git clone git@github.com:Gambit142/Url_Shortener.git
cd Url_Shortener
Install this project with:
bundle install
Next, use this command to create the databases:
rails db:create
Next, use this command to run the migration files:
rails db:migrate
To run the project, execute the following command:
rails server
👤 Author
- GitHub: @Gambit142
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- Have a way to get the metrics of most clicked links and other metrics
- Use CanCanCan for Authorization so that users can only see shortened urls they created
- Set duration for how long a link is valid
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
This project is MIT licensed.
NOTE: we recommend using the MIT license - you can set it up quickly by using templates available on GitHub. You can also use any other license if you wish.