A very short app created while learning the basics of Node. The application makes a couple of API calls:
- Google Maps API
- Forecast.io API
This application will require Node on your system with version 8.x.x
Step 1 - Download/Clone the repository to your local machine.
Step 2 - Fire up your terminal/command prompt/power shell in the root folder of the downloaded file.
Step 3 - Run the following command in your terminal to install all the required packages.
npm install
Step 4 - Use the below command to see weather summary at The Gateway of India:
node app.js --address="Gateway of india"
The above command will print the actual address, latitude, longitude and weather forecast at that location.
If at any moment, you do not understand the syntax, use the --help
tag after the command to see usage. For eg.
node app.js --help