In this capstone project, we implement a static class in Python3 with static methods to capture details about the operations - frame metadata - performed on JSON data, log this frame metadata, and match it against target frame metadata to discover examples and scenarios of silent JSON errors in Python3 programs.
Run either of the below commands in the terminal:
# for https connections
git clone
# for ssh connections
git clone
cd tracky
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Make sure you have modules accessible to the interpretter
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:<your-relative-path-to-repo>/src"
All programs are located in ./src/programs/
# see usage and get help
python3 <path-to-a-program> --help
# collect mode
python3 <path-to-a-program> collect
--jsoninputpath <filename>
--outputdirectory <path>
# match mode
python3 <path-to-a-program> match
--jsoninputpath <filename>
--targetfile <filename>
Use -v
or --verbose
to enable verbose console logging
This approach is recommended when debugging.
# open cloned repository in VSCode
code .
or just open the cloned repository in a new VSCode window
- Open the "Run" tab in VSCode (shortcut - shift + ⌘ + D)
- Select a scenario to run from the "RUN" dropdown (typically on the top right corner)
- Click the green play button ("Start Debugging" button)
python3 ./src/tests/