👋 Hi there, I’m Dr. Gawain Antell (GAO-win, like "gown"), a paleobiologist and ecologist. You can look up my full CV as a repository, https://github.com/GawainAntell/CV/blob/main/Antell_CV.pdf.
The repos here use marine fossil distributions to explore macroecology and evolution at a range of spatial, temporal, and taxonomic scales. Using empirical data to address research questions in this area frequently means I need to develop new methods and/or new implementations of existing methods theory for spatiotemporal statistics. My R package divvy
(https://github.com/GawainAntell/divvy), released on CRAN, offers various ways to spatially standardize the fossil record for biogeographic and biodiversity studies. The kerneval
package (https://github.com/GawainAntell/kerneval) constructs kernel density estimates while accounting for sampling structure.
The best way to reach me is at my institutional email, antell [at] ucla.edu 📫