I started this project when I first saw the QLockTwo word clock in a shop while buying the wonderful Secto Octo 4240 lamp.
My girlfriend was also quite impressed, but the price tag kept me from buying the clock. When home, I decided to build a clock myself. Research on the internet led to some kits:
The goal however was to build my own clock. I will try to describe the process here.
The biggest challenge was the electronics. While there are several DIY instructions available
- Wordclock
- ArduinoWordClock this involved a lot of soldering and wires.
More research led to the QlockTwo_DIY github project. These seemed the most promising project, but I was confused by the schematics
Not knowing anything about Arduino and electronics, I decided to buy the ELEGOO UNO R3 Super Starter kit. Not because it was the best, but it was the cheapest kit which was directly available.
With the Elegoo tuturial, I managed to get myself a little bit familiar with Arduino and it's electronics. The journey of the word clock can begin ...