Display on a little LCD (4*20) or web page all tweets which contains a specific sentence.
By example it's possible to display all tweets which contains Je veux
- NodeJs 4.x.x (if you want to display tweet on your Raspberry pi with a I2C LCD)
Create a config.json
npm install
# if you want to display tweet on your Raspberry pi with a I2C LCD
npm install lcdi2c
# to run the crawler to the Twitter API and store the tweets formatted in RabbitMQ.
# Specify the sentence you want and the worker will collect only the tweets that contain that sentence
node get_tweet_worker.js "<sentence>" <country code>
# to run the worker which get the tweets in queue of RabbitMQ and displays (in LCD or console)
node read_tweet_worker.js
# to run the web server which get the tweets in queue of RabbitMQ and displays in web page with socket.io
node app.js
# then go to http://server_address:3000