This is an application composed of HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery. It serves the purposes of actaully being able to create an account and login. All the details are stored within the localStorage. Therefore this is not a safe option to be released within the public.
The only usage is personal. This is not to be distributed or copied without any rights attained. The application design and technologies can also be used for further research and development with hopes of enhancing perfomance and efficiency.
Registration details are a series of simple cases to find the details that have been stored (cached) within the browser's memory. Therefore, the details are checked using RegEx JS notation, for manual validation and manual character recognition.
This uses all the details that have been attained using the registration process. When the user is prompted to click to sign in or log in, the application would drag their details, recheck with the cached details and provide whether the details are correct or not by displaying a notification generated by CSS3 and JSES6.
Video > Belongs to GRÖNLAND
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