A very simple C Hex Dump tool built for learning purposes and out of boredom.
It does what it says on the tin. Creates a hex dump of whatever you feed it with. You can specify the offset from where you want the hex dump to begin. For example, if you specify 0 it will dump the whole file.
I am not entirely sure how useful this is (probably NULL
) but it was a nice little project for me to get familiar with HEX and the structure of the binaries. The core of the program is snatched from my other project, MachDump which is a far more sophisticated one.
I guess it is useful if you wanna do quick dumps in your C tool without having to rely on complicated libraries or on xxd
./quickhex <file> offset
The offset is a signed integer.
If you don't get it right, the program will tell you that you should probably specify the missing parameter.
cd /folder of the source
Alternatively. you can compile it with gcc quickhex.c -o QuickHex
It was built on raw C, no macOS specific stuff so it should happily build on any OS capable to compile C. It uses the following imports so I assume it shouldn't have problems on most OSes.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
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